The University Director is appointed by the University Board, and works as the Board's secretary. The Director is the highest official at the university.
University Director: Tore Tungodden
Assistant University Director: Kari Fuglseth
Post address:
P.O. Box 7800
N-5020 Bergen
Visiting address:
Muséplassen 1
5007 Bergen
Phone: +47 55 58 20 00
Email: post@uib.no
Open Positions
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow position within Fish immunology
- PhD research fellow at the Department of Psychosocial Science
- Researcher 1109 within Geodynamic-surface process modelling of mountain building
- Associate professor (50%) in design history and theory at the Department of Design
- PhD Research Fellow in Fast Aerodynamic Models for Offshore Wind Farms by Using Machine Learning