News archive for University Director's Office
“There is hope in science and research”, said Rector Margareth Hagen in her welcome address to the one hundred PhD candidates from more than thirty countries taking part in the seventeenth Bergen Summer Research School.
Welcome to the digital and free SDG Conference in Bergen 2024! The theme is Take a look at the programme and register today.
Join us in the celebration of this years' Holberg Prize Laureate, Nils Klim Prize Laureate and the Holberg Prize School Project winners. The 2022 Holberg Week takes place in Bergen and Oslo 7–10 June.
Digital summer research school.
Last summer, the participants of Bergen Summer Research School were thrown out on the deep end: present your research in two minutes and make it relevant to a panel of diplomats and experts.
In February 2018, 734 UiB researchers participated in the survey "Better HR for researchers". The results are ready.
Imagine that you were to meet Bill Gates in a lift. You strike up a conversation and he asks you what you do. As it happens, you have just come up with an idea that you believe could change the world. In the approximately two minutes until the elevator reaches your floor, you decide to try to convince him that he should invest in your idea. What would you say?
Professor Terje Tvedt criticizes Social Sciences for being “water blind”.
The ninth Bergen Summer Research School 2016 kicks off Monday June 13 at Dragefjellet. World leading researchers and over one hundred PhD candidates from 40 countries will spend two weeks immersed in global challenges – this year related to water.
A human rights based approach may make governments legally accountable for the political commitments made in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Is a sustainable society possible? With several open talks between June 15 and 27, the Bergen Summer Research School will seek to find out how.
Get new perspectives on UN's Sustainable Delopment Goals and meet PhD candidates from all over the world.
Many targets have been met in several regions, but progress in other areas is far from sufficient. What strategies do we need for the global society of the future to ensure sustainable development, including for poor countries? This will be the theme for the summer research school in Bergen in 2015.
Wedensday June 9 is date of Award ceremonies for Holberg International Memorial Prize, Nils Klim Prize and the Holberg Prize School Project. Symposiums, debates and Prize-lectures are held on the 8 and 10 of June. The events are open to the public.
Since the Student Society in Bergen organized an open meeting on academic boycott January 18, there has been considerable focus on this topic in various media.

The University of Bergen has a contingency plan in the event of an outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1). It consists of a variety of preventive measures that are in line with UiB’s own pandemic plan and advice from the health authorities.
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