Arts and Gardens

The Aula Chair

In Johan H. Nebelong´s classical and monumental museum building, a new aula is currently under construction. It will be the academic grand hall of the University and the city of Bergen.

Møt stolen Lui

Stolen Lui fra designer Hallgeir Homstvedt vant konkurransen om å pryde universitetsaulaen.

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UiB is an institution with high academic aspirations, in line with the best of the classical academic tradition. UiB wanted an aula chair that signals such values??. The jury has chosen a winner following a closed competition among furniture designers selected by the Norwegian Design Council. The winning chair is named Lui and was designed by Hallgeir Homstvedt. The shape of the chair is a play on Louis the 14th´s gilded rococo chair, which had an oval backrest and a symmetrical seat.

 The jury is "... impressed that such a seemingly simple chair has incorporated historical references and interacts with the space of the aula in such a good and dignified manner, while  meeting all the functional requirements for a new aula chair."


SIRI MEYER. English translation NORA VAAGE