Bergen Network for Women in Philosophy

Rational Theory Revision in Logic: A Case for Reflective Equilibrium

At The Bergen Network for Women in Philosophy’s first online-seminar this year Evelyn Erickson will present her paper.

Meme med Julia Roberts og en rekke geometriske figurer, ligninger, kurver o.l.

Main content

A recent trend in the philosophy of logic, under the title of anti-exceptionalism, proposes that the principles of logic are not to be justified by a priori intuitions, but rather by a posteriori evidence. One favorite approach among anti-exceptionalists is to revise logical theories in line with what they take to be the methodology of theory revision in science via “inference to the best explanation”. Yet this approach overlooks that science is not the only discipline that can be rationally revised. The present seminar will explore another method of theory revision for logic, that of reflective equilibrium, and claim that this method is also suitable. The choice of method, however, will be dependent on one’s assumptions about the ontology of logic.