Creative learning at the Research Fair
The annual public research event by the scientific and research community in Bergen, the Research Fair ('Forskningstorget'), took this year place September 21st and 22nd. The Bergen Gynecologic Research Group took responsibility for the CCBIO stand this year, and attracted great interest both from adults and the actual target audience, kids and youth.
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Garlic, playmice and other challenges
There was a distinct scent at the stand, as the aspiring scientists were given the opportunity to isolate DNA from garlic. The group had crushed plenty of garlic and was all set with stirring sticks, soap solution and isopropanol. Lab coats, gloves and safety goggles were available for the children, who could bring the DNA they isolated home in small Eppendorf tubes. This was a great hit amongst the young researchers.
The audience could also palpate tumors in playmice, find tumors using PET-CT on both mice and patients, as well as look at cancer cells through a microscope and illustrate a diagnostic mindset. Here the undestanding varied a lot according to age and interests, but the playmice were an effective draw to the stand. PET-CT and microscopy also engaged the adult audience. For the more creative, there were also opportunities to make pearl bracelets illustrating their own DNA, as well as building DNA helix.
Psychopath cells
Henriette Ertsås used her acting skills to illustrate the selfishness of the cancer cell, and how it manipulates its host. Gloria Glutton and Christine the cancer cell engaged both adults and children, and Henriette's theatrical presence made the stand extra vivacious. Read more here about the escapades of Gloria Glutton and Christine the cancer cell.
We congratulate the Bergen Gynecologic Cancer Research Group with this year's fair stand, and we're certain that they have ensured recruitment of many new, young researchers!