4th Scandinavian Seminar on Translational Pathology 2019
Welcome to the 4th Scandinavian Seminar on Translational Pathology 2019
Main content
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to invite you to the 4th Scandinavian Seminar on Translational Pathology, October 23-24, at beautiful surroundings at the historical Solstrand Hotel, nearby Bergen, Norway; http://solstrand.com/en
SCANPATH is an annual network meeting for Scandinavian tumor pathologists and pre-clinical scientists with an interest in the prospects of next generation tissue profiling. The aim is to stimulate tissue-based studies of tumor mechanisms and biomarker mapping. This initiative has been a success since the startup in 2016, and SCANPATH is now a well established annual forum.
Similar to previous years, the seminar will include inspirational speakers representing the different research groups attending the meeting.
Similar to previous years, the seminar will include by inspirational speakers representing the different research groups attending the meeting. See final program here.
We will have one poster session where participants can present their work, and ample time for informal interaction. The seminar is open for all with an interest in morphology oriented research, so please feel free to circulate this invitation to relevant partners and collaborators.
The price for the meeting includes accommodation Wedn-Thur, breakfast (Thur), lunch and coffee both days, and dinner Wednesday. The subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/250 Euro per person. It is possible to share rooms, so please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.
Please let us know if would like to give a talk or present a poster (email: ingeborg.winge@uib.no).
Registration: please use this link.
Hope to see you in Bergen!
On behalf of CCBIO and the organizing committe,
Best wishes,
Professor and CCBIO Director Lars A. Akslen
Professor Arne Östman
Associate Investigator Elisabeth Wik
Coordinator Ingeborg Winge