
Centre for Crisis Psychology

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Jekteviksbakken 31

Visiting address:
Jekteviksbakken 31, 2nd floor
5006 Bergen

Post address:
Centre for crisis psychology
University of Bergen
Postbox 7807
5020 Bergen

E-mail: sfkp@uib.no

"Death STudies" Journal front page

Balancing roles: Teaching staff’s dilemma in supporting bereaved college students

Martin Lytje and Atle Dyregrov has published an article in "Death Studies." The study examines the challenges faced by teaching staff in supporting bereaved college students.

new article
Logo for tidsskriftet Cruse Bereavement Support

Beyond prolonged grief: Exploring the unique nature of complicated grief in bereaved children

Atle Dyregrov og Martin Lytje has published a new article in "Bereavement Journal of grief and responses to death" The article argues the current approach to diagnosing complicated grief in children overlooks social and personal factors impacting their reactions and how they cope with death.

Field Picture Prudence A. Friberg

Long-term effects on depressive symptoms among Ugandan mothers

Associate professor Prudence Atukunda Friberg is co-author of the article "Long-term effects on depressive symptoms among Ugandan Mothers - Findings from a follo-up of a cluster-randomized education trial in a rural low-resource setting".

Gutt på Vestbredden, NTB

Self-help method for traumatized Palestinian children in the West Bank.

- The stories health and school personnel tell about children's suffering in Gaza and the West Bank are heartbreaking and shocking, says psychologist specialist Unni Heltne.

Poppy field in Ukrain

Advice for caregivers of children through conflict and displacement

One of the most important predictors for the mental health of children who experience conflict and displacement is the way they are cared for. Warm, positive parenting can help to buffer children from harm.