News archive for Centre for Crisis Psychology
Martin Lytje and Atle Dyregrov has published an article in "Death Studies." The study examines the challenges faced by teaching staff in supporting bereaved college students.
Atle Dyregrov og Martin Lytje has published a new article in "Bereavement Journal of grief and responses to death" The article argues the current approach to diagnosing complicated grief in children overlooks social and personal factors impacting their reactions and how they cope with death.
Associate professor Prudence Atukunda Friberg is co-author of the article "Long-term effects on depressive symptoms among Ugandan Mothers - Findings from a follo-up of a cluster-randomized education trial in a rural low-resource setting".
- The stories health and school personnel tell about children's suffering in Gaza and the West Bank are heartbreaking and shocking, says psychologist specialist Unni Heltne.
Associate professor Prudence Atukunda Friberg is co-author on an article that examining how inadequate nutrition and insufficient stimulation in early childhood can lead to long-term deficits in cognitive and social development.
This week, more than 70 PhD students from all over the world assemble in Bergen for the annual Bergen Summer Research Schools—for the first time since the pandemic.
Researchers from University College London, Haukeland University Hospital, National Defense University in Sweden and the University of Bergen met in January for a working meeting on a joint research project focusing on how operational psychology can inform municipality responses and resilience to disruptive events.
Psychotherapist Anjula Mutanda has a Podcast at BBC. Atle Dyregrov is guest in her podcast series "Bringing up Britain"
Our international semester was completed for the second time in autumn 2021. Students and supervisors have described their experiences in a new report in our report series.
One of the most important predictors for the mental health of children who experience conflict and displacement is the way they are cared for. Warm, positive parenting can help to buffer children from harm.
Michelle Chang, BA, Fulbright student at the Centre for Crisis Psychology has written an article in American Journal of Public Health ( AJPH )
Martin Lytje and Atle Dyregrov have published a research article "When Young Children Grieve: Supporting Bereaved Children from the Perspective of Daycare Staff" in Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
The first joint article from the Pandemic Centre as a unit has now been published in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Jens C. Thimm, Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen and Unni Ringberg have published a new article in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Associate professor Line Oldervoll is co-author on a published article on work participation after cancer treatment
Professor Atle Dyregrov, associate professor Martin Lytje at the centre and professor Kari Dyregrov at HVL have published an article in "Bereavement Care"
This week, the Centre for crisis psychology initiated a new continued educational course focusing on human aspects of the pandemic. The course runs over six weeks and was fully booked within days. A second course is will take place later this fall.
A comprehensive course in global mental health started for the first time on Monday 17th of August at the Faculty of Psychology.