Centre for Crisis Psychology
Evaluation of Place of Death In Case of Sudden and Unexpected Infant Death

Evaluation of Place of Death In Case of Sudden and Unexpected Infant Death

From November 1, 2010, the Health Service was given the obligation to offer a voluntary place of death inspection for parents” when a child between the ages 0 to 4 dies suddenly and unexpectedly in the home. The reason for gathering this information is to acquire data on why children die suddenly and unexpectedly. Information from this data will provide increased knowledge of child deaths, which will help prevent such deaths in the future.

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Kristensen, P. (2018). Undersøkelse av dødsstedet ved plutselig og uventet barnedød. En evalueringsstudie. Rapport, Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk Stress (NKVTS). Kristensen, P. & Rognum, T. O. (2018).

Hvert år dør 30 barn plutselig og uventet i Norge. Er det på tide å gjøre dødsstedsundersøkelse obligatorisk? Kronikk Aftenposten.