Centre for Crisis Psychology
Bergen Centre for Brain Plasticity

Bergen Centre for Brain Plasticity

The mission of the Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity is to use highly effective, concentrated treatment formats to elucidate multilevel mechanisms of brain plasticity to gain new insights of relevance for future therapies.

Main content

One of the projects is the Bergen 4-day Treatment (B4DT). The B4DT is a practical, evidence-based, focused and deliberate exposure-based treatment. It builds on four decades of empirical research and theories about the most effective approach to treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Link to Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity: Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity - Helse Bergen HF (helse-bergen.no)

Link to The Bergen 4-day Treatment (B4DT): The Bergen 4-day Treatment (B4DT) - Helse Bergen HF (helse-bergen.no)