Center for Digital Narrative

Isak de Viliers Bosman: Listening Perspective in Virtual Reality Games

CDN Games Lecture.

Main content

About the lecture

"Perspective in games, such as first- vs third-person is generally synonymous with the visual perspective although this also has implications for the design of sound.

Virtual reality also has implications for an embodied listening experience that is enabled by the technology, such as head-tracking and spatial audio.

I will discuss the concept of listening perspective with reference to how this is currently managed in games and focusing on aspects of virtual reality that have unique implications for this concept. This will draw from my current PhD work with reference to two applications that have been developed to explore listening perspective in VR and future plans for exploring this topic."

About Isak de Villiers Bosman

Isak de Villiers Bosman is lecturer at University of Pretoria, and currently doing a PhD on audio in virtual reality games at University of Tampere.