Completed projects, including Ph.D theses, conducted at CET.
The project aims to produce insights that can support the just, accountable governance of multi-scalar energy transitions in financially constrained contexts.
CINTRAN explores the challenges of structural change in response to decarbonisation in carbon-intensive regions.
The project explores new democratic governance methods in the design and implementation of effective and socially just climate policies that emerge in the face of climate protests.
Klimabudsjett 2.0 develops local climate budgets in line with the ambitions of the Paris agreement, and covers important knowledge gaps in this field of research.
Exploring the role of temporal frames in enabling and impeding democratic and equitable transitions towards sustainable futures.
The project seeks to establish sustainable models for increasing the health and wellbeing of citizens (children, young people, middle age, elderly) that are exposed to diverse climatic conditions and challenges around Europe.
Subina Shrestha defended her PhD thesis on 17.12.2024 at the University of Bergen. The thesis title is Sustainability Beyond Optimization - Public-private actor interactions in urabn logistics governance.
Rafael Rosales defended his thesis PhD thesis on 24.05.2024 at the University of Bergen. The thesis title is: "Urban freight – a matter of concern for cities?"
Jesse Benjamin Schrage defended his thesis PhD thesis on 20.2.2024 at the University of Bergen. The thesis' title is: "Practicing urban climate governance: Organisational work and energy demand reduction in Nordic cities"
Brooke Wilkerson defended her PhD thesis on 19.12.2023 at the University of Bergen. The thesis title is "Systems approaches to sustainability: Innovation and social-ecological-technological systems.
Completed December 2023: TRANSFLIGHT explores the shifts in practices of air travel concerning leisure, business and academic travel.
Completed December 2023: ROLES aims to identify how we can accelerate the decarbonisation of energy systems by digitalising energy infrastructure, in ways that create societal benefits.
Completed December 2022: The project will research different actors and their narratives of local climate change policy in cities and districts in Turkey.
Jakob Grandin defended his PhD thesis on 23.11.2022 at the University of Bergen. The thesis is titled: "Sustainability here and now: The governance of urban transformation in Oslo and Addis Ababa".
Hanna Kvamsås defended her PhD on 20.10.2022 with the thesis: "The potential for transformative adaptation".
Thea Gregersen defended her PhD "Climate change perceptions across Europe. From climate change beliefs to climate change mitigation behaviors" on September 23, 2022.
Stina Oseland defended her PhD project on what role climate strategies have on local transformation efforts on the 18th of March 2022.
Kristin Kjærås defended her PhD project on Oslo's third housing sector on the 16th of November 2021.
Trond Mohn Foundation, 2016-2020
Tackling climate change requires growing both low-carbon energy technologies and phasing out carbon-intensive ones....
Striking a balance between national and municipal power and between private initiative and public control.