Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

CET Lunch: Institutionalising transformative climate action in the health sector

Welcome to our hybrid CET Lunch seminar with Anand Bhopal & Simon Øverland, Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS), Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.

Portrait of Anand Bhopal and Simon Øverland with text CET Lunch
Our CET Lunches are hybrid.

Main content

Our speaker will attend in person. Participants can sign up and tune in via stream, or turn up at CET where lunch will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.

While the health sector has not historically been a central actor in climate policy, over the last five years health has represented a rare avenue for consensus building amongst the public and policymakers. Universities have a key role in advancing this climate and health agenda through developing a richer understanding of health-climate-sustainability dynamics and communicating the health impacts and benefits of timely action. We received funding from the CET Accelerator initiative to explore potential opportunities to establish a research, teaching and policy hub on climate change and health, hosted at the University of Bergen. In this CET lunch we will provide an overview of the key findings of this work and describe activities already underway, including national and international examples to showcase best practices, leading onto a wider discussion on how to encourage cross-University collaboration. We look forward to your input to advance effective and impactful research and action.

About the speakers

Anand Bhopal is a medical doctor and researcher at the Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health where his PhD explored fair pathways to sustainable, low-carbon healthcare. He is working on the Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthcare.Simon Øverland is a psychologist, public health expert with wide experience from research and use of knowledge in policy and practice. He is the leader of the Centre of International Health at the Medical Faculty.