Division of Human Resources
The European Charter for Researchers

HR in Research

UiB received the HR Excellence in Research award in December 2019. Our aim is to strengthen the quality of our research, boost researchers' careers and make our research communities more competitive.

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To improve our HR policy for researchers, UiB is continously working to implement the principles of "the European Charter for Researchers", adopted by the European Commission.

The European Charter for Researchers (previous Charter & Code) is a set of principles underpinning the development of attractive research careers to support excellence in research and innovation across Europe. The focus of the Charter for Researchers is the rights and responsibilities of researchers, employers, funders and policy makers consisting of 20 key principles. These are classified under the following four pillars:

  1. Ethics, Integrity, Gender and Open Science
  2. Researchers Assessment, Recruitment and Progression
  3. Working Conditions and Practices
  4. Research Careers and Talent Development