Norwegian Citizen Panel


Program for The Norwegian Citizen Panel Conference. Bergen, November 6-7, 2014.

Main content

Thursday November 6

8:45 Coffee and registration

9:05 Welcome

9:15 Keynotes

Diana Mutz Extending the Potential of Survey Experiments.


Jon Krosnick Exploring the Origins of Beliefs about Climate Change: Experimental Studies Embedded in National Surveys of the U.S


11:15 Coffee Break

11:45-12:45 Paper presentations, parallel sessions

Stefan Dahlberg and Jonas Linde The dynamics of the winner-loser gap in political support: The case of Sweden

Rune Stubager: The meaning of issue ownership


Peter D. Howe, Matto Mildenberger, and Anthony Leiserowitz Perceptions of seasonal climate and climate change in Norway: evidence for motivated reasoning

Werner Sævland, Katrine Nødtvedt, Gisela Böhm, Ann Bostrom, Robert O’Connor, and Daniel Hanss
How versus why: Do climate change perceptions depend on the question asked?

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Paper presentations, parallel sessions

Elias Naumann and Lukas Stötzer The effect of immigration on support for redistribution re-examined: survey experiments in three European countries
Lise Bjånesøy and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten  Target groups and welfare support: The case of Norway

Sveinung Arnesen The legitimacy of collective decisions: Results from a real-money experiment in a general population survey

Sigve Tjøtta Property as a moral convention to solve coordination problem

15:00 Paper presentations, parallel sessions

Scott Blinder, Robert Ford, and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten Causes of opposition to Muslim schools in the UK, Sweden, and Norway: Three message-messenger experiments

Cornelius Cappelen, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Tor Midtbø, Yvette Peters Right-wing extremism: an experimental approach

Endre Tvinnereim and Kjersti Fløttum Who says what about climate change? Quantitative analysis of open-ended answers from the Norwegian Citizen Panel round 1

Kjersti Fløttum, Vegard Rivenes, and Trine Dahl What do young Norwegians think of climate change and the future? Findings from a climate concerned and oil rich nation

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 Plenary presentation:

Marcel Das Innovation in online data collection for scientific research: the Dutch LISS panel.

17:00 End

Friday November 7

9:00 Coffee

9:15 Keynote

Rune Stubager Paradoxes of Liberal Democracy: Islam, Western Europe, and the Danish Cartoon Crisis


10:15 Paper presentations

Johannes Bergh Is voting a habit? An analysis of the effects of the Norwegian voting-age trial

Asle Høgestøl  and Øivind Skjervheim Experience from the recruitment of respondents to the Norwegian Citizen Panel

Erik Knudsen Political Rhetoric, Motivated Reasoning and Public Opinion

11:45 Break

12:00 Keynote

Paul Sniderman Preference Reversals and the Role of Reason in Political Choice

13:00 Lunch

Program ends