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Header: People in the Citizen Lab

The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) is a hub for advanced social science data collection and multi-disciplinary research. DIGSSCORE manages the Norwegian national research infrastructure KODEM, and coordinates the Norwegian part of the European infrastructure European Social Survey.

At these pages you find information on news, events, data, how to use and obtain the data, and research projects publications using DIGSSCORE-data.

Research call

Pre-project call for KODEM data

The national research infrastructure KODEM calls for applications to pre project funding with a deadline 6th of May 2025 at 14:00. Do you have questions you want to pose to one of our surveys? Read and apply to this call.

Available positions
Collage of pictures of people and graphs

Available position: Research data coordinator

KODEM announces a position as research coordinator in the national KODEM research infrastructure.

Kvinne peker på noe vi ikke ser. Bak henne ser vi ulike grafer og mennesker på en konferanse.

10 years of measuring trust in politicians and political attitudes in Norway

Having authoritative data created by independent researchers, who have focused solely on quality, and have no commercial interests, will only become more important in the future, says professor and Academic Director of the Norwegian Citizen Panel at UiB, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten.

explore data


The DIGSSCORE facility is used for many research publications. This bibliography includes publications based on data from the DIGSSCORE facility from 2014 onward.
New article
Pictures of Muriaas, Peters, and the top of the journal article.

Attitudes to gender quotas: Why and where to adjust gender imbalance in leadership

Professors Ragnhild Muriaas and Yvette Peters have published a new article in European journal of Political Research. They use survey experiments for both the Norwegian Citizen Panel and the Panel of Elected Representatives.