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PhD theses
Eidheim, Marta Rekdal. 2023. Understanding the left-behind: Electoral support and views on redistribution. Doctoral thesis, Department of Government, University of Bergen.
Helliesen, Mari S. 2023. Representative democracy and climate change: Climate policy preferences and congruence between citizens and elected representatives. Doctoral thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Mathisen, Ruben Berge. 2023. Economic Inequality and Political Power in Norway. Doctoral thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Ryan, Alexander. 2023. How partisan emotions and negativity shape our politics: examining affective polarization in the Nordic region. Doctoral thesis, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mid Sweden University.
Velásquez, Paolo. 2023. Higher education and the evolution of prejudice. Doctoral thesis, Department of Sociology, Umeå University.
Broderstad, Troy Saghaug. 2022. Democratic Reflections : To what extent do representatives mirror their constituents, and how does it affect the challenges modern, representative democracy are facing? Doctoral thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Lancaster, Caroline Marie. 2022. A Multicultural Europe? Sociocultural Conflict in a Globalized Era. Doctoral thesis, Department of Political Science, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Lawall, Katharina. 2022. Hate trumps love? The implications of negative partisanship for voters and political parties. Doctoral thesis, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Bjånesøy, Lise Lund. 2021. The Controversial Populist Radical Right Through the Eyes of the Public: Disliked, yet Tolerated? Doctoral thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Schönhage, Nanna Lauritz. 2021. Heuristics, bias and accountability: Essays on the role of information in political decision-making. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Solvay Business School, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Serdarevic, Nina. 2021. Economic Experiments and Moral Sentiments. Doctoral thesis, Department of Economics, University of Bergen.
Bentsen, Henrik Litleré. 2019. Determinants and public policy consequenses of dissent in the Supreme Court of Norway. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bergen.
Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes. 2019. Consistent Citizens? Exploring and Explaining Mechanisms of Opinion Change. Doctoral thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Kyselá, Eva. 2017. Public responses to climate change mitigation policies. Doctoral thesis, Department of Sociology, Charles University.
Schaurer, Ines. 2017. Recruitment strategies for a probability-based online panel: Effects of interview length, question sensitivity, incentives and interviewers. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Social Science, University of Mannheim.
Harteveld, Eelco. 2016. Daring to vote right: Why men are more likely than women to vote for the radical right. Doctoral thesis, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Knudsen, Erik. 2016. Journalistikkens fremstillingsmakt. Nyhetsrammer, meningsdanning og medialisering. Doctoral thesis, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
Master's theses
Andersen, Elisa Iro. 2024. AI and the quest for legitimacy in the modern society. Master thesis, Department of Government, University of Bergen,
Haugen, Gjøri Marie. 2024. Decoding Legitimacy: Public Perceptions of AI-Assisted Decision-Making in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Master thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Vasstveit, Jan Ove Bolstad. 2024. How Much Is Data Privacy Worth? Insights from a Norwegian Survey Experiment. Master thesis, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
Hommeland, Elisa Alfsen. 2024. Context Matters: The Influence of Municipal Characteristics onRepresentatives' Role Perceptions in Norway. Master thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Rosenlund, Emilie Kahrs. 2024. The Spatial Dimension of Climate Change Attitudes: A Study of the Urban-Rural and Center-Periphery Divide in Norway. Master thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Dybesland, Sara Helene. 2023. Miss Represented or Misrepresented? A study of congruence between citizens’ expressed issue priorities and representatives’ issue attention during legislative debates. Master thesis, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Strønen, Emilie Midsæter. 2023. Klima, kultur og sosiodemografiske faktorer: En kvantitativ studie av nordmenns risikopersepsjon til klimaendringene. Master thesis, Department of Government, University of Bergen,
Bjerkebakke, Tuva Pipilotti Liland. 2022. "Jeg ville heller vært skattesnyter enn FrP-velger": En kvantitativ studie av affektiv polarisering i Norge. Master thesis, Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU,
Dybdal, Sofie Helene. 2022. Ingen er funksjonshemmede, det er omgivelsene rundt som er det: En undersøkelse av samsvaret mellom språkbrukeres holdninger og ordbøkers håndtering av potensielt sensitive ord. Master thesis, Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen,
Jikiun, Sunniva Petersen. 2022. Public Acceptance of Hydrogen Production from Onshore Wind Energy in Norway. Master thesis, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen.
Klyve, Helene Othelie Drevland. 2022. Perceptions of individual lifestyle changes in Norway’s sustainability transition. Master thesis, Department of Geography, University of Bergen,
Lilli, Trygve Noer. 2022. End of the World vs. End of the Month: A cross-national multilevel study of climate concern. Master thesis, Institutt for sammenliknende politikk, Universitetet i Bergen,
Måseidvåg, Frida Leine. 2022. Hva tenker egentlig de andre? En eksperimentell studie av pluralistisk ignorans og kjønnsforskjeller knyttet til hjelpesøking for depresjon. Master thesis, Det psykologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen,
Storelv, Sina. 2022. Why Do People (Not) Worry About Climate Change? Insights From Answers to an Open-Ended Survey Question in Norway. Master thesis, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen.
Vedeler, Jan Henrik. 2022. Methodological issues in eliciting people’s preferences for Norwegian climate forest planting. Master thesis, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, University of Oslo,
Fylkesnes, Hanna. 2021. Intergruppevennskap og innvandringsholdninger: En retrospektiv studie, Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen,
Grønningen, Malene Nesse. 2021. Engaged Citizens: A Tale of Status, Satisfaction or Structure? A Study of Citizens’ Willingness to Participate in Mini-Publics, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Jensen, Trude Haaland. 2021. Ufrivillig samtykke: Et nytt perspektiv på personvernparadokset, Department of Sociology, University of Bergen,
Johansen, Helle Karina. 2021. «Barnevernet vil de ha fullstendig fjernet» En studie av årsaker til mistillit til barnevernet, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Larsen, Nina Marie. 2021. Can the Covid-19 Pandemic Function as a "Moment of Change” for Vacation Air-Travel? – The Influence of Past Behaviour, Social Norms, and Efficacy Beliefs, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Bergen,
Misje, Ingvild. 2021. «Noe langt borte, og noe høyt oppe». Representasjon i ikke-representative institusjoner: Norges Høyesterett og den geografiske dimensjonen i norsk politikk, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Wiik, Adrian. 2021. Hvem er de norske konspirasjonsteoretikerne?, Department of sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Bjørnevik, Tord Lauvland. 2020. Den Norske Typen. Sammenhengen mellom avdekkede samarbeidstyper; demografi, tillit og meninger om klima- og miljøspørsmål, Department of Economics, University of Bergen,
Dahl, Soran Hajo. 2020. Are Candidate Evaluations Less Susceptible to Partisan Bias than Party Evaluations?, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Fagereng, Tor-Eivind Eie. 2020. Kraftig vind med storm i kasta. Ein kritisk diskursanalyse av vindkraftdebatten i Noreg, Samfunnsplanlegging og leiing, Høgskulen i Volda,
Faleide, Ingrid Kvåle. 2020. Citizens’ Attitudes toward a System of Responsibility Sharing for Asylum Seekers in Europe: A Replication Study, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Vestre, Vemund. 2020. Politikk i sentrum og periferi - en analyse av Arbeiderpartiets kommunepartier, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Flatøy, Christer Andre. 2019. Terrorism and Political Trust. A study of the relationship between terrorism and political trust in Europe in the time period 2002 to 2016, and a causal exploration of the relationship between the two phenomena, Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Haugland, Silje Hansen. 2019. Forskjellen mellom falske og ekte nyheter: En kvalitativ og kvantitativ analyse om hvordan unge voksne skiller mellom falske og ekte nyheter, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Jones, Hanna Amalie Holdning. 2019. “…but it has to be done fairly”: Results from an experimental study of Norwegian citizens’ conceptions of climate justice, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Hammerstad, Kim Arne. 2018. Kjønnseffekter i norske politiske skandaler, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Steine, Frøydis Sæbø. 2018. Do actions speak louder than words? - Communication and partner choice in the prisoner's dilemma game, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Falck, Runa. 2017. New Policies, Old Attitudes? - Discrimination against Roma in Norway, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Hamre, Lina. 2017. Mange politiske mål på få mål jord - ein analyse av partipolitikkens rolle i forvaltinga av norske jordressursar, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Madland, Kjetil Røiseland. 2017. Do Cognitive Processes Influence Social Preferences? Testing the social heuristics hypothesis in a sequential prisoner's dilemma, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Michelsen, Sondre Vågenes. 2017. Can social norms lead people to choose less money over more?, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Rødeseike, Annika. 2017. Environmental Risks: Framing effects of Scope and Responsibility on Policy Support, Department of Psychosocial Science, Univeristy of Bergen, Bergen,
Sortland, Fredrik Bjørnestad. 2017. Å velge, og å bli valgt - valg av partner i et Fangenes Dilemma, Department of Economics, Univeristy of Bergen, Bergen,
Sund, Oda Kristine Storstad. 2017. It is not all about the money - A study of social norms based on Adam Smith`s Theory of Moral Sentiments, Department of Economics, Univeristy of Bergen, Bergen,
Torvik, Yngvild Gotaas. 2017. Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers?, PSIA - Paris School of International Affairs, Science Po,
Venås, Linn Magritt Haugen Skotnes. 2017. Tillit til systemet. Muligheten til å ekskludere uærlige aktører i et marked. En eksperimentell undersøkelse, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Wiig, Thea Martine Aalen. 2017. Can framing change individual attitudes towards immigration?, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Lein, Linda. 2016. Public Support for a Ban on Begging in Norway - A Consequence of Negative Stereotypes about the Roma Minority?, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Lyons, Lynette Olivia. 2016. Politiske konsekvenser av sosiale medier : mulige konsekvenser ved bruk av sosiale medier på politisk interesse, politisk deltakelse og samfunnsengasjement, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Agder,
Moldestad, Malin Solheim. 2016. Frå sinke til føregangsland på transpersonars rettar - Analyse av bakgrunnen for Noregs lov om endring av juridisk kjønn, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen,
Serdarevic, Nina. 2016. It pays to be Nice: Partner Choice as an Informal punishment mechanism, Department of Economics, University of Bergen,
Weissenbacher, Verena. 2016. Fairness in Prioritization Processes, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo,
Hagen, Sunniva. 2015. Inter-gruppe kontakt og verknaden på tillit og toleranse. Gjev inter-gruppe kontakt meir positive oppfatningar av utgrupper og definerte andre?, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Helliesen, Mari Skåra. 2015. In Science We Trust, Through Ideology We Look: Explaining Climate Change Attitudes in Norway, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Kastet, Marie Therese Manum. 2015. Media effects on opinions about climate change mitigation and the Norwegian petroleum industry, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Sonnenberg, Kristian. 2015. Når det gjelder som mest. En studie av tillit til myndigheter for å håndtere terrorangrep i Norge, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Bergen,