KODEM is a national research infrastrucure financed by the Norwegian Research Council, starting January 2025. This enables researchers to ask questions to four sub populations relevant to research on democracy and governance in Norway.

Main content
KODEM consists today of three panels: The Norwegian Citizen Panel, the Norwegian Panel of Elected Representatives and the Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators. From 2026, the Norwegian Panel of Journalists will be included.
These four panels were first tested in a coordinated survey in 2020, as the project KODEM_DEMO, financed by the University of Bergen. One coordinated survey was fielded to the general population, the elected politicians, the central public administrators and Norwegian journalists.
From 2023, this was continued as KODEM light and run more regularly, with data collection in three panels: The Norwegian Citizen Panel, the Panel of Elected Representatives and the Panel of Public Administrators. This was financed by the University of Bergen. The panels fielded some common coordinated questions and some more panel specific questions twice per year, depending on the interested researchers.
From 2025 KODEM is a national infrastructure with consortium members from the University of Bergen, University of Oslo, University of Agder, University of Stavanger, University of Tromsø, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, OsloMet, NORCE, Sikt and The Institute for Social Research. The infrastructure is led by Elisabeth Ivarsflaten at UiB, with Tobias Bach at UiO as vice leader.
In addition to the panels, KODEM consists of five more work packages.
- Scientific management, led by Elisabeth Ivarsflaten at the University of Bergen
- Technical and administrative management, led by Erla Løvseth at the University of Bergen
- Method development, led by Sveinung Arnesen at NORCE
- Data storage, protection and distribution, led by Bodil Agasøster at Sikt
- Communication, led by Jonas Stein at the University of Tromsø