Ongoing externally funded research projects connected to the DIGSSCORE facilities.
The European Social Survey (ESS) is a pan-European research infrastructure providing freely accessible data for academics, policymakers, civil society and the wider public.
KODEM is a national research infrastrucure financed by the Norwegian Research Council, starting January 2025. This enables researchers to ask questions to four sub populations relevant to research on democracy and governance in Norway.
DemoTrans is an impact-driven research project that will provide theoretically and empirically robust recommendations on how to reinvigorate democratic governance by improving the accountability, transparency, effectiveness and trustworthiness of rule-of-law based institutions and policies.
CITYFREIGHT is a brand new project, led by NHH with several project partners in Norway and the rest of the world, including the Centre or Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) at the University of Bergen.
CAMRIA is a transdisciplinary research centre in Western Norway where several partners work together in one research environment towards a joint objective – addressing the urgent need to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Stefan Dahlberg, professor at DIGSSCORE and the Department of Comparative Politics, received a grant for this project on studying opinions and societies using online data. For this project, they will use the Norwegian Citizen Panel to study open text answers in surveys.
The LINGCLIM research group undertakes research on language use related to the issue of climate change, energy transition and lifestyle issues, in a cross-disciplinary perspective.
The cross-disciplinary CLIMLIFE project studies how Norwegian citizens relate the challenges of climate change to their normal, day-to-day life choices.
Modelling Ecological state and Condition Maps to support knowledge-based decision-making in Area management and spatial Planning
Openings to the Inclusion of Muslim Minorities in Today’s Democracies
Researchers, media and technology companies in Media City Bergen will establish a centre for developing responsible media technology for the future. The University of Bergen (UiB) and partners from research and industry have now been granted status as Centre for Research-Based Innovation (SFI) .
The POLCAP project focuses on interest groups representing professions, users and providers of education services in Norway, and compares them to their counterparts in a similar education system (Finland) and in a contrasting one (Germany). It is a comparative mixed-method multi-level analysis,...
The European Research Council (ERC) funded research project “Gender-Gap in Political Endurance: a novel political inclusion theory” (SUCCESS) provides a comprehensive analysis of why, how and if structural factors affect the endurance of political careers and why endurance matter for political impact.
The project will test a novel treatment option for acute sinusitis, which is shown to be superior to systemic antibiotics in a pilot study; chloramphenicol eye drops.
The project views integration as a two-way process. Inclusion is not only a question of how immigrants adapt, but also how natives react.
A societal transformation is needed to mitigate climate change and stop biodiversity loss. As new policies are implemented and will affect people’s lives more directly, the potential for public protest, political mobilization, and polarization between groups will increase.
COMPLEX studies the effects of international treaties on national law.
The project studies the impact of administrative leadership on organizational performance and citizen trust in government. More specifically, PART studies whether and how recruiting administrative leaders from outside the public sector, either from politics or from business, makes a difference for...
Norsk klimamonitor collects and shares data on climate adaptation throughout society.
The project aims to better understand how gender shapes the scope, form, and consequences of political violence targeted at politicians, and to explore different strategies to reduce the problem.