Research call

Pre-project call for KODEM data

The national research infrastructure KODEM calls for applications to pre project funding with a deadline 6th of May 2025 at 14:00. Do you have questions you want to pose to one of our surveys? Read and apply to this call.


Main content

Ten institutions are part of the KODEM consortium, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by DIGSSCORE at the Department of Government, University of Bergen. KODEM is in an establishment phase from 2025-2030 and currently consists of three online panels under development, recruited from three different respondent groups: Citizens, elected politicians, and employees in the central administration. Additionally, a panel will be established from the media sector, and the Panel of public administrators will be expanded with employees at the municipal level.

Projects that pay for data collection have priority in KODEM. If you lead or apply for a project and wish to use KODEM for data collection, we recommend that you contact KODEM to get prices and make an agreement (contact person: Erla Katrine Løvseth Erla.Lovseth@uib.no).

This pre-project announcement is aimed at researchers and research groups led by universities, research institutes, or colleges in Norway who wish to establish a new project that they do not yet have funding for.

Read the pre-project call (in Norwegian).