Genomics Core Facility (GCF)

Analysis workshop Friday 21.10.2016

Main content

We are pleased to invite you to the next hands on workshop organized in Bergen by the Norwegian Bioinformatics Platform and the Norwegian Genomics Consortium.

Time and Date: 09:00 - 12:00 hrs on Friday, 21-October-2016

Location: CBU, Høyteknologisenteret (Data Blokk) 5th floor, Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen

Format: Bring your laptop with updated Internet browser (Firefox, Chrome or Safari). This is an interactive workshop!

Register Free: https://goo.gl/forms/530EoCi338iidjDq2

A brief plenary session around NeLS and other national resources is planned. You have the opportunity to work on a data/problem/question of your choice (such as your own research question, or e.g. a Galaxy analysis tutorial) with our assistance.

Many have briefly started using NeLS so this is a good opportunity to get some more experience on:

-> NGS Data Analysis on NeLS Galaxy https://galaxy-uib.bioinfo.no/

-> How to Use NeLS portal (https://nels.bioinfo.no/) for Data Management in your project

-> How to Use StoreBioInfo (https://storebioinfo.norstore.no/) for Data Management in your project

If you have a very specific question you'd like to have help with on the workshop, including i.e. issues with J-Express, you may warn us ahead of time by email for better prepared help.



If you havent registered for the Analysis workshop emailinglist please do so here: http://mailman.uib.no/listinfo/nmc-analysis-ws