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Three photos showing three different things. To the left, above: A person looking through a microscope. Below: Fluorescent green Cryptosporidium oocysts as seen with a LED-micro-scope after AP-staining to the Right: A map showing Mozambique and Ethioia

The CryptoTT  project will assess the clinical effectiveness of LED-microscopy of Auramine Phenol stained fecal smear (LED-AP) testing, in conjunction with access to targeted drug treatment, in reducing the duration of cryptosporidiosis-induced diarrhea. It will evaluate diagnostic accuracy, operational issues, cost-effectiveness, and test turnaround times in a realistic setting in two Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Additionally, it will investigate whether rectal swab samples can expedite test turnaround times compared to bulk stool samples, while maintaining high diagnostic accuracy.

The project is EDTCP3 funded.

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EU backs life-saving research: Tackling child diarrhea in low-income countries

Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality in low-income countries, following pneumonia. To tackle this issue, a consortium coordinated by UiB-professor Kurt Hanevik has secured EU funding to improve diagnosis and treatment of diarrheal diseases.