Kick-off Workshop in Dar Es Salaam
Members of the NORPART-project recently met up in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, at a kick-off workshop to discuss the initial phases of the project work and plan future activities.

Main content
Representatives of all partner institutions engaged in the NORPART-project "Establishment of Joint Research-Based Education in Dentistry in Norway and East Africa" met for a three-day workshop in Dar Es Salaam in order to discuss the implementation of the project activities and coordinate future plans.
Kick-off workshop
The workshop was hosted by the project's Tanzanian partners, Dentistry School at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). Vice chancellor of MUHAS welcomed all the representatives to Dar Es Salaam and opened the kick-off workshop. The first day of the workshop was devoted to the topic of student mobility and research activities. During the second day a blueprint for the course on global oral health was discussed. During the discussions a particular attention was given to exploring the possibilities in developing an interactive teaching mode using various digital platforms. On the final day of the workshop program the main points on the agenda were staff exchange and sustainability of the project.
The project “Establishment of Joint Research-based Education in Dentistry in Norway and East Africa” is financed by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU) in the framework of NORPART program and will be implemented in the period of the next five years. The general aim of the project is to develop and establish a standardized educational platform for the global oral health at the University of Bergen and partner institutions. UiB partner institutions for this project are - University of Khartoum (Sudan), University of Science and Technology (Sudan), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Tanzania), Makerere University (Uganda) and Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia). The main activities of the project are student mobility, development and implementation of course in global oral health and a winter school in research methodology.
Future activities
The project already welcomed the first exchange students from Tanzania and Uganda to Bergen in autumn 2019. New students from Sudan are expected to come to the UiB during spring semester 2020. In addition, the first student exchange from UiB to Eastern Africa is planned to take place during spring 2020. While student mobility has already been initiated and is ongoing, the project group is continuously working on the next milestone of the project that will be the implementation of the course “Global Oral Health” during autumn 2020.