New doctoral degree - Victoria Xenaki
Victoria Xenaki defended her thesis for the PhD-degree at the University of Bergen on the 23 of May. The title of the thesis is: " Nanosafety aspects: Dental health care workers’ perception of nanomaterials and in vitro nanotoxicity assessment using new approach methodologies ".

Main content
Main Supervisor: Professor emeritus Anne Nordrehaug Åstrøm
Co-supervisors: Professor Daniela Costea, professor Mihaela Roxana Cimpan and associate professor Mihaela Marthinussen
Committee: Associate professor Esben Boeskov Øzhayat, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and researcher Maria João Silva, National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
Committee leader: Associate professor Torgils Lægreid
The defence was led by professor Inge Fristad
Congratulations to Victoria!