Department of Clinical Dentistry

Dental Reserach Day November 5

On Friday November 5, a joint dental research day for anyone interested in dental research will be arranged at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

Main content

This is the first time such a joint research day is arranged at the faculty.   Through the programme for the day, the programme committee wishes to focus on the diverse dental research taking place at the faculty, as well as draw contours for future research and recruitment.

Vice Dean for Research, Professor Robert Bjerknes, will hold the introductory talk entitled:  “Research strategy at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry”.  Next, professor Nils-Roar Gjerdet will discuss whether or not a unique dental research exists, while senior advisor at the Ministry of Health and Care Services , Hanne Christine Lundemo, will answer the question “To what degree will the Ministry of Health and Care Services contribute to the development of knowledge and research in the dental health sector?.”  In the middle of the day, time has been allocated to poster presentations from both Ph.D research fellows, and from scientific employees at the faculty.  Click here for a complete programme for the day.


The day will end with a prize awarded to the best poster.


The research day on November 5 will primarily be in English.  If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to marit.stubdal@iko.uib.no.  Deadline is October 29