People in the DIMENSIONS project
DIMENSIONS is highly interdisciplinary and has an international research team with members from Bergen, Oslo, Sweden and U.S.A.

Main content
Project leader
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University of Bergen
The project manager is prof. law, Linda Gröning (University of Bergen). She has strong legal and interdisciplinary skills, specific expertise on criminal insanity, proven expertise in leading large projects, in addition to unique experience from the law commission appointed by the government after the 22 July. |
Research team
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Kim Einar Andreassen / UiB
Unn K. Haukvik (Associate Professor, University of Oslo) is an expert on mental health research on psychosis, transdiagnostic, neuroscientific and forensic perspectives. |
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University of Pennsylvania
Stephen J. Morse (Professor, University of Pennsylvania) has his expertise in legal philosophy annd psychology/neuroscience in law. |
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Kim Einar Andreassen / UiB
Susanna Radovic (Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg) is an expertise on philosophy of mind, responsibility and criminal insanity. |
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Stephen Mathis
Stephen E. Mathis (University of Bergen) has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Kansas, and has worked with action theory in the criminal law in the Anglo-American context. |
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Daniil Butenko (Haukeland University Hospital) is a psychiatrist with a PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen. |
- Professor Gerben Meynen (Utrecht University)
- Professor Kenneth Hugdahl (University of Bergen)
- Professor Jørn Jacobsen (University of Bergen)
- Professor Ronnie Mackay (Leicester De Montfort Law School)
- Associate Professor Slavka Dimitrova-Simeonova (Burgas Free University)
- Associate Professor Raffaele Rodogno (Aarhus University)
- University Lecturer Tova Bennet (Lund University)
- PhD Student Davi Málaga (Federal University of Viçosa)
Advisory committee
- Professor Michael S. Moore (College of Law and the Center for Advanced Studies, Illinois)
- Professor Ingrid Melle (University of Oslo)
- Professor Ian Freckelton (University of Melbourne)
- Senior Research Advisor Daniel Nygård (University of Bergen)
Partner institutions
DIMENSIONS is coordinated by the University of Bergen, in collaboration with the following partner institutions:
- Kompetansesenter for sikkerheits-, retts- og fengselspsykiatri, Haukeland University Hospital
- Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
- Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg
In addition, The Surrey Centre for Law & Philosophy is a supporting partner of the DIMENSIONS project partcularly given the philosophical and conceptual questions it seeks to illuminate. More information about the Centre can be found here.
Associated projects
- CHILDCRIM (Research project, University of Bergen)
- PROTECT (Research project, University of Bergen)
- Historicizing Intelligence (Research project, University of Oslo)
- The implementation and impact of the ultimate penalty in Norway (Research project, Department of Mental Health - NTNU)
- Controversies in Psychiatry: Coercive measures and medication (Research project, SIFER - Haukeland University Hospital)
- Fare som grunnlag for tvungen psyskisk helsevern: Ein studie av strafferettens farebegrep (PhD project - Martin Mindestrømmen, University of Bergen)