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A vibrant Chinese city after dark

How many characters do you need to learn in order to be able to read Chinese newspapers? Do Chinese words really have their own tones? Do Chinese children learn English at school? Is modern China a capitalist society? What is the relationship between China and North Korea?

Subject Coordinator: see this webpage for updated information
Student Adviser: Annelen Horsås
Examination Officer: Turid Daae

We have been reading a lot about China in the Norwegian media in the last decade. The reports in question are often critical about the Chinese system, and focus on the country’s lack of organisational freedom and freedom of speech. However, a few of the commentators have knowledge of China from the inside, in addition to being familiar with the Chinese language. 

Studying Chinese will open a gateway to gaining knowledge about the world's most populated nation, and one of the oldest and richest civilizations of our time. The course will primarily be dedicated towards theoretical and practical learning of the official Chinese language, Mandarin. Students will also learn about historical developments in China, and about social and cultural issues.

Important information regarding admission: For applicants who are interested in our bachelor's degrees, please note that all of our undergraduate programmes require proficiency in Norwegian. This applies to all programmes, including foreign languages, as some information and the courses will only be available in Norwegian. The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service, NUCAS (Samordna opptak) coordinates the admission to regular undergraduate studies at all the universities, university colleges and state colleges in Norway.


chinese studies
Luftballlong på blå himmel

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Photo of Ms Yang Yang

Implementing Norwegian Language Policy in China

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Academic Portrait
Photo of Guowen Shang

Tapping into the Sociolinguistic Realities in China

Guowen Shang, Associate Professor of Chinese language, is currently studying sign languages – not languages with signs, but on signs. “The language signs are everywhere in our environment, but the language choices on the signs are determined by a range of social, economic, psychological and...