How does the English language change due to its role as a global language? Everyone has an opinion on the United States, but what can American literature and popular culture tell us about the nation's perception of itself? And can movie adaptations of Shakespeare's plays add something to the interpretation of these classics?
Studies coordinators
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Student advisor and exam administration
Eleni Kontodima Solstad
It is hard to avoid the English language in the global media world. English is used everywhere, but not everyone can use the language well enough or have sufficient knowledge about English literature and culture. In depth knowledge of these areas requires a good understanding of history, cultural structures, but will also give you an edge in the global information society we are all part of.
Studying English will give you indepth insight into the English language as well as literature and culture of the English-speaking world. You will learn about basic and advanced aspects of linguistics, such as grammar, phonetics and an introducation to regional and social variations of the language. Through interpretations of various texts, you will also aqcuire knowledge about the relationship between literature and society, both in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Members of the English section also conduct research in lingustics, literature and cultural studies. Some work on how the spoken language from a socio-linguistic perspective, while others look at how the works of William Shakespear have been illustrated through the centuries or how Mexican-American literature focus on memories and history.
Bachelor programme in English
Admission to undergratudate studies require proficiency in Norwegian.

Did you know that ...
About 50% of all newspapers in the world, over 90% of all academic works in the natural sciences and 82% of all academic works in the humanities have been published in English.