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Photograph of Brandenburger Tor

Do you want to learn a language which is easy for Norwegian to master well, and be able to speak with 100 million German-speaking Europeans in their native language? Do you want to read great authors like Franz Kafka, Günter Grass and Herta Müller in the original language? Do you want to get to know better a central European region with a rich cultural heritage?

Subject Coordinator: Kjetil Berg Henjum
Student Advisor: Gita Pattanaik Rongevær
Examination Officer: Turid Daae

Studying German gives you good knowledge of the German language, German literature and culture, and you will be able to communicate in German about academic as well as everday topics.

Studying German will give you sought-after teaching skills for working in the schools, as well as a solid base for working in business or with cultural dissemination focusing on German-speaking Europe. Knowledge of German is important for a small nation like Norway, because the German-speaking countries play an important role in modern Europe and Germany is our second largest trading partner.


Courses for exchange students                       Master programme                        Ph.D.          

Bachelor programme in German

The University of Bergen does not offer any Bachelor's degree programmes taught in English. Admission to undergratudate studies require proficiency in Norwegian.

University of Bergen Library - German studies

German pastry

Did you know that ...

13 German-speaking authors from five different countries have been awarded the Nobel Prize.