Estate and Facilities Management division

Guidlines for UiB card managers

Here you will find information relevant to the position of card manager at the units.

Main content

The different types of cards at UiB:

Employee card

Everyone who receives a salary from UiB must have an employee card - this also applies to ordinary PhD candidates.(Self-funded PhD candidates and PhD candidates on the Quota and Marie Curie programmes must have student cards)

Special card w/photo

External personel or organizations, such as the Student Welfare Organisation (Sammen), CMI, security guards, cleaners as well as invigilators and PC assistants must have a special card w/photo.

Visitor card

Guests who only need building access receive a visitor card - NB! cannot be used for pullprint!

Initial employee or special card

One working day after the SEBRA account is created, new employees can come to the Card Centre to have their photo taken, etc.  They must have an ID card and a completed application from the card manager at the division/department/section.The application form is located in UiBhjelp www.hjelp.uib.no View info on external web: https://www.uib.no/foransatte/17364/adgangskort

NB! It is very important that the Card Centre is informed when access is to be terminated! This means that when someone leaves UiB or moves to a different place of work at UiB, the Card Centre must be informed that the card access must be deleted. In the event of departure, the card must also be collected and disposed of by the card manager at the unit.

NB! New cards will not work on pullprint or BIBSYS for at least two working days after it is issued. Building access will take effect on the date of issue. It is the IT department and the libraries that manage pullprint and BIBSYS, respectively.

New type of card 

If the new employee has previously had a card with a photo (e.g. student card), it is sufficient for the card manager to send a message in UiBhjelp to the Card Centre informing them that the person is to have a new type of card (employee card or special card). A location code, the access the person is to have, duration of access, and desired PIN code must then be provided. 

Lost or damaged employee and special cards: When the employee has lost or damaged his or her card, the card manager will notify the Card Centre via UiBhjelp. It is then important to disclose whether the card has been lost or is defective because the ordering procedures are different in these cases. If the card is defective, it is important that the card manager receives and shreds the old card when the new one is issued! 

NB! A replacement card for a lost card will not work on pullprint or BIBSYS for at least two working days after it is issued. Building access will work immediately.

Lending of visitor cards

All departments/divisions/sections can get visitor cards for the use of their guests and employees who have forgotten or lost their cards.It is important to notify the Card Centre as soon as a visitor card has been lost; when this happens please note the card number and to whom the card has been loaned.The Visitor Cards are normally programmed with five years of access and must be updated with an extended time period after the expiry date.If access to the card is to be changed, the card manager will send an enquiry via UiBhjelp about this.