Here is an overview of doctoral degrees associated with Section for epidemiology and medical statistics. (Only in Norwegian - University of Bergen currently do not provide PhD press releases in English)
Main content
Medfødte misdannelser gir økt risiko for kreft Dagrun Slettebø Daltveit defends her PhD on September 2th 2024 with the dissertation "Birth defects and cancer risk" at the University of Bergen.
Twin Pregnancies: women’s health and reproduction (2024-04-15)
On 15/04/2024 Prativa Basnet defends her PhD dissertation titled “Twin Pregnancies: Long-term Maternal Mortality, Birthweight in Subsequent Pregnancy and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Next Generation” at the University of Bergen.
Caesarean delivery and women’s health—Beyond the incision (2024-02-22)
Yeneabeba Tilahun Sima defends her PhD on February 22nd, 2024, at the University of Bergen with the thesis: "Caesarean Delivery and Women’s Health: Population-Based Studies: Trends, Offspring Birthweight, Fecundability and Maternal Cardiovascular Disease Mortality".
Allergy increases the risk of early preeclampsia (2023-12-15)
Anne Kvie Sande will defend her doctoral thesis on 15th December 2023 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Early-onset preeclampsia in the balance of Immunology and Pregnancy: Risk factors, the Role of Allergy, and potential protection by Antihistamine use".
Quality aspects of the Norwegian cause of death statistics
Christian Lycke Ellingsen will defend his doctoral thesis on 14th March 2023 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Quality aspects of the Norwegian cause of death statistics".
Moderately elevated blood pressure is harmful to the female heart
Ester Anne Kringeland will defend her doctoral thesis on 6th December 2022 for the Ph. D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Sex differences in blood pressure in midlife: associations with risk factors and acute coronary syndromes in the Hordaland Health Studies".
Associative memory systems inspired by neural networks
Asieh Abolpour Mofrad will defend her doctoral thesis on 15th November 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Clique-Based Neural Associative Memories".
Use of patient-reported data in diabetes treatment
Ingvild Hernar will defend her doctoral thesis no 9th September 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Using Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in clinical diabetes consultations".
Wavelet-based methods in genetic association analyses
William Denault will defend his doctoral thesis on 3th September 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Wavelet-based methods in genetic association analyses".
How to prevent more bone fractures?
Anja Myhre Hjelle will defend her doctoral thesis on 17th June 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Risk factors for fracture and fracture severity of the distal radius and ankle".
Kynurenines in cognition, dementia, and aging
Stein-Erik Hafstad Solvang will defend his doctoral thesis on 16th June 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "The kynurenine pathway in cognition, dementia, and aging".
Lifestyle influences risk and prognosis in multiple sclerosis
Kristin Wesnes will defend her doctoral thesis on 4th June 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "The impact of lifestyle factors on disease risk and long-term disability progression in multiple sclerosis".
Diet, weight change, coronary heart disease, and death
Teresa Risan Haugsgjerd will defend her doctoral thesis on 3rd June 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Diet, weight change, coronary heart disease and death ".
Clinical feedback system in follow-up after obesity surgery
Pål André Hegland will defend his doctoral thesis on the 14th January 2021 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Patient-reported outcome measures in follow-up care after bariatric surgery".
Risk of adverse birth outcomes among immigrant women
Eline Skirnisdottir Vik will defend her doctoral thesis on the 11th September 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Adverse neonatal outcomes in migrant women in Norway".
Folate supplements can influence the risk of congenital malformations
Trude Gildestad will defend her doctoral thesis on the 18th June 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Folic acid and birth defects".
ADHD - Risk factors, personality traits, and comorbidities
Johanne Telnes Instanes will defend her doctoral thesis on the 16th June 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Personality traits, risk factors and comorbidities in Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder".
Research on hereditary diseases presents statistical challenges
Miriam Gjerdevik will defend her doctoral thesis on the 15th June 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Family-based genetic association models".
Fødsel etter keisersnitt: Norsk praksis under lupen (24.03.20)
Sjur Lehmann will defend his doctoral thesis on the 24th March 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Trial of labor after a previous cesarean section, Norway 1989-2014: A justified practice?".
Mødres reproduktive historie kan avdekke overdødelighet (20.03.20)
Frode Halland will defend his doctoral thesis on the 20th March 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Reproductive factors and maternal long-term mortality".
Kjønnsforskjeller ved ADHD (07.02.20)
Berit Skretting Solberg will defend his doctoral thesis on the 7th February 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation “Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; sex differences in psychiatric comorbidity and transgenerational recurrence risks. A population-based study using Norwegian registry data”.
Gir «gastric sleeve» langvarige helsegevinstar? (24.01.20)
Tone Nygaard Flølo will defend his doctoral thesis on the 24th January 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation «Long-term outcomes after vertical sleeve-gastrectomy».
Lipidnivåer, svangerskapskomplikasjoner og antall barn (07.01.20)
Aleksandra Pirnat will defend his doctoral thesis on the 7th January 2020 for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Number of children: pre- and post-pregnancy lipids, effect of pregnancy outcome and modification by perinatal loss".
Hva er de kliniske langsiktige konsekvensene av porfyrisykdom (10.12.19)
Carl Baravelli disputerer 10.12.2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Clinical long-term consequences of acute hepatic porphyria and porphyria cutanea tarda".
Kreftrisiko etter folattilskudd i forbindelse med svangerskap (24.06.19)
Jan Helge Seglem Mortensen disputerer 24.06.19 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Folic acid in pregnancy and subsequent cancer risk in mothers and their children: An epidemiologic study in Norway, 1999–2010».
Kunnskapsbasert praksis i helsefaglig bachelorutdanning (11.06.19)Anne Kristin Snibsøer disputerer tirsdag 11. juni 2019 for ph.d. graden ved Universitet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Evidence-based practice in Bachelor healthcare education. A survey of attitudes, knowledge and behaviour".
Lavere risiko for cerebral parese hos barnet dersom mor og far har høyere utdannelse (29.04.19)
Ingeborg Forthun disputerer 29.04.2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Socioeconomic inequalities in risk of having a child with cerebral palsy in Denmark and Norway. The roles of parental educational level and body mass index”.
ADHD og autoimmunitet (15.02.19)
Tor-Arne Hegvik disputerer fredag 15. februar 2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen «Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autoimmune diseases: etiological relationships and therapeutic possibilities».
Mors vekt og vektendring påvirker svangerskapet (08.02.19)
Linn Marie Sørbye disputerer fredag 8. februar 2019 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Maternal weight, weight change and perinatal outcomes: Can physical activity and gestational weight gain modify the risk?"
Høyt blodtrykk hos gravide og risiko for senere hjertesykdom (13.12.18)
Hilde Kristin Refvik Riise disputerer 13.12.18 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Hypertensive pregnancy disorders and subsequent cardiovascular disease in Norwegian women".
Matens betydning for en god alderdom (23.10.18)
Hanne Rosendahl-Riise disputerer 23.oktober 2018 for ph.d-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen «Dietary predictors of bone mineral density, hip fractures, mobility and muscle strength in community-dwelling older persons».
Røyking i svangerskapet – Kampen er ikke over (27.04.18)
Liv Grimstvedt Kvalvik disputerer fredag 27. april 2018 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Smoking among pregnant women in Norway. Prevalence, self-report validity, and associations to SGA and “early programming” using family and sibling design».
Reiseavstand og fødselstad påverkar utkome for mor og barn (15.03.18)
Hilde Marie Engjom disputerer torsdag 15. mars 2018 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlinga: «Obstetric care in Norway – the role of institutions availability and place of delivery for maternal and perinatal outcomes».
Risikofaktorer for medfødte hjertefeil (09.03.18)
Kristoffer Myrstad Brodwall disputerer fredag 9. mars 2018 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Congenital heart defects in Norway - A nationwide study of Down syndrome, maternal preeclampsia, and sibling recurrence risk, 1994-2009».
Diabetes fotsår: telemedisinsk oppfølging og sårtilheling (16.02.18)
Hilde Smith-Strøm disputerer fredag 16. februar 2018 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Diabetic foot ulcers – predictors of healing time and aspects of telemedicine follow up».
Risikofaktorer og tidlige sykdomstegn for multippel sklerose (18.12.17)
Marianna Cortese disputerer torsdag 18. desember 2017 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "The timing of environmental risk factors and prodromal signs of multiple sclerosis".
Psykososial helse hos voksne med diabetes type 1 (14.12.17)
Jannike Mohn disputerer torsdag 14. desember 2017 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Psychosocial health and metabolic control among adults with type 1 diabetes and elevated HbA1c: promoting the capacity to self-manage the condition"
Lavt utdannede får sjeldnere utblokking ved hjerteinfarkt (27.09.17)
Enxhela Sulo disputerer onsdag 27. september 2017 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Coronary heart disease care and outcomes in Norway; time trends and socioeconomic inequalities".
Oral cleft – causes and consequences (13.06.17)
Erik Berg disputerer tirsdag 13. juni 2017 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Oral cleft – causes and consequences".
Utfordringer i voksenlivet etter kreft i ung alder (09.06.17)
Maria Winther Gunnes disputerer 9. juni 2017 for ph.d-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen «Adult life challenges in survivors of young age cancer- A Norwegian national cohort study focusing on reproduction, economic independence and violent deaths»
Samspillet mellom risikofaktorer for multippel sklerose (28.04.17)
Kjetil Lauvland Bjørnevik disputerer fredag 28. april 2017 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "The interplay between environmental risk factors for multiple sclerosis".
Psykisk helse blant internasjonalt adoptert ungdom (13.01.17)
Kristin Gärtner Askeland disputerer 13.01.17 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Mental health problems in internationally adopted adolescents".
Medfødte hjertefeil i Norge -forekomst og risikofaktorer (24.05.16)
Elisabeth Leirgul disputerer 24. mai 2016 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen “Congenital heart defects in Norway - a nation-wide study of birth prevalence, maternal diabetes, and folic acid supplementation in pregnancy”.
Årsaksforhold og behandling av leppe-, kjeve-, ganespalte (15.04.16)
Hildur Skuladottir disputerer 15.04.16 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Epidemiological and clinical aspects of oral clefts. Are corticosteroids and stress risk factors and do patients suffer long-term hearing problems?".
Psykososiale forhold og blodsukkerkontroll i type 1 diabetes (26.02.16)
Ragnhild Bjarkøy Strandberg disputerer fredag 26. februar 2016 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: “Psychological well-being, diabetes’ impact on daily life, and glycaemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes”.
Ernæring som risikofaktor ved sykdom (25.03.15)
Randi Julie Tangvik disputerer onsdag 25. mars 2015 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Nutritional risk in a university hospital: Challenges and consequences in clinical practice».
Hva bestemmer nivået av kynureniner i blodet? (20.02.15)
Despoina Theofylaktopoulou disputerer fredag 20. februar 2015 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Determinants of circulating kynurenines and related markers of inflammation - A cross-sectional study using data from the Hordaland Health study."
Gjentagelse av uønskede svangerskapsutfall i Tanzania (19.02.15)
Michael Johnson Mahande disputerer torsdag 19. februar 2015 for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen: "Recurrence of Perinatal death, Preterm birth and Preeclampsia in Northern Tanzania: A Registry Based Study".
Lav utdanning øker risiko for hjertesykdom og død (18.02.15)
Jannicke Igland disputerer onsdag 18. februar 2015 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Coronary Heart Disease in Norway – Relative importance of risk factors and educational inequalities in incidence and survival».
Forekomst av depresjon og migrene hos personer med diabetes (04.12.14)
Line Iden Berge disputerer torsdag 4. desember 2014 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandligen: “Depression and migraine comorbid to diabetes: Epidemiological studies utilizing data from the Norwegian Prescription Database and The Hordaland Health Study”.
Risikofaktorer og utfall ved for tidlig fødsel (03.10.14)
Håvard Trønnes disputerer fredag 3. oktober 2014 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: “Risk Factors and Outcomes Of Preterm Birth- A Study Of The Associations Of Preterm Birth With Cerebral Palsy And Atopic Diseases”.
Hjerteinfarkt - definisjon og dødelighet i endring? (24.09.14)
Jørund Langørgen disputerer onsdag 24. september 2014 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Hospitalisation for acute myocardial infarction – trends in case fatality, and the impact of changing definition on number of events, subtypes and mortality».
Tydinga av Vitamin K og betennelse for bein og brot (23.09.14)
Ellen M. Apalset disputerer tysdag 23. september 2014 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlinga: «Vitamin K and inflammation in relation to bone mineral density and hip fractures».
Akutt hjerteinfarkt: hyppighet og nasjonale trender (02.07.14)
Gerhard Sulo disputerer onsdag 2. juli 2014 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: “Acute myocardial infarction: predictors and nationwide trends in ocurrence ”.
Er det sammenheng mellom drikkevann og brudd? (02.06.14)
Cecilie Dahl disputerer mandag 2. juni 2014 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: «Quality of municipal drinking water and the risk of osteoporotic fractures in Norway».
Stor variasjon i akutte sykehusinnleggelser (28.02.14)
Birgitte Graverholt disputerer fredag 28. februar 2014 for ph.d. graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: “Acute hospital admissions from nursing homes. Rates and characteristics; unwarranted variation and effects of interventions to reduce them”.