
Section for Ethics and Health Economics

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Overlege Danielssens Hus

The Section for Ethics and Health Economics (ETØK) at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS) focuses on ethical and financial issues related to health and health priorities.

Section leader: Oddvar Kaarbøe.


The Section has two research groups:

- Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)
- Health, Leadership, and Translational Ethics Research (HELTER)

Central topics of research include:

- priority setting in health
- ethics and decision making
- translational ethics
- local implications of global and national health policy
- financial risk in health services
- standard and distribution-sensitive evaluations in health economics

BCEPS scholars at the Takemi Program

BCEPS scholars in Harvard Takemi Program for second consecutive year

The Takemi Program is organised by the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Research project
Landscape: green lawn, leafy treas and mountains in the distance. Blue sky with light clouds

Optimizing Childhood TB Treatment Decision Algorithms in sub-Saharan Africa (OPTIC-TB)

Every year, about a million children under 15 years are diagnosed with Tuberculosis (TB) worldwide, and about a quarter die. However, over 60% of children with TB remain undiagnosed, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for about 20% of the global burden of paediatric TB cases....

IGS Department Day 2021
Super Strong Superheroes

Who are we and what do we do at ETØK?

The Section for Ethics and Health Economics (ETØK) has produced a fun video to show how its researchers contribute to the department's vision of "Better Health - Better Society".

Student Exchange
Farhan Yusuf student exchange 2022

An Interesting Experience during COVID-19

From January-March 2022, Farhan Yusuf participated in a student exchange programme organised through a partnership between Muhimbili University of Health & Allied Sciences (Tanzania) and the University of Bergen (Norway).

hvite tabletter spredt utover et bord. Beholder i bakgrunnen av bildet

New study using confidential drug prices demonstrate how disease severity impact drug coverage decisions

In a new study from the University of Bergen (UiB), confidential drug prices have been used to evaluate coverage decisions for new drugs in Norway.

The Section is also responsible for teaching courses as part of the following study programmes:

Master in Health and Society
Master in Biomedical Sciences
Master in Global Health
PhD courses
Elective courses