Catholic University of Lille and Department of Government (ERASMUS+)
- CountryFrance
- TownLille
- Number of exchange places6
- Study levelBachelor og Master
- Exchange programmeErasmus+
- Exchange duration1 semester
Main content
Om avtalen
Who can apply
Students enrolled in the master's program Politics and Governance of Global Challenges have priority for the spots, followed by other students from politics and governance. Applicants from other fields will be considered if there are available spots.
When can I go
You can go on exchange in the 3rd semester of the master's program Politics and Governance of Global Challenges.
In other study programs, students typically go on exchange for a whole or half year between the third and sixth semester.
The language of instruction is English and French. B2 level in the language of instruction is required.
The university offers French language courses to exchange students.
What courses can I take
The agreement is with the European School of Political and Social Sciences (ESPOL), which offers a wide range of courses in English at both the bachelor's and master's levels. You can also take courses in French.
ESPOL offers master's courses in global and European politics, food policy and sustainable development, international and security policy, and digital politics and governance. They offer bachelor's courses in political science, international relations, philosophy, and economics.
Here you can find an overview of the study programs at ESPOL. You can combine courses from different study programs.
A full-time student should take 30 ECTS per semester. Courses usually account for 3-6 ECTS, so you should expect to take more courses per semester than you normally would at home. It is a prerequisite that the courses you choose do not overlap in level or content with courses you have previously taken or plan to take later at UiB.
Tuition fee
Erasmus students do not pay tuition fees at the host university but must register and pay the semester fee at UiB for the entire period they are abroad.
Om lærestaden
About the institution and the city
Det katolske universitetet i Lille blei grunnlagt i 1875 med sine fem grunnleggande fakultet. Universitetet er samansett av flere skuler og institutt, inkludert ESPOL (statsvitskap), ISEA (rekneskap), Institutt for etikk og filosofi og IU2S (helseadministrasjon).
Lille er ein by med rundt 250 000 innbyggarar, som ligg i regionen Hauts-de-France, heilt nord i Frankrike, nær grensa til Belgia. Det er ein universitetsby, og nesten halvparten av innbyggarane her er studentar. Lille har gode togsamband, og byen er del av eit større storbyområde med om lag 1,7 million innbyggarar. Det tek om lag ein time å kome seg til Paris med tog frå Lille.
Utvekslingsstudentar kan søke om studentbustad nær universitetet sine campusar.
Semester duration
Haust: September til desember eller januar, avhengig av kva fakultet ein utvekslar til.
Vår: Januar til mai eller juni, avhengig av kva fakultet ein utvekslar til.
- Homepage
- How do I applyInstructions on Søknadsweb
- Submit your application hereSøknadsweb
- Kode i Søknadsweb9812
- Subject namePolitical Science / Government