Division of Research and Innovation
Kick Off

Kick Off meeting - NORHED II

14 projects from the University of Bergen have received funding for a total value of 290 million Norwegian kroner from the NORHED II programme. September 23 we want to mark this with a kick off for all projcets.

Norhed II
NORHED II kick off will be digital 23 September from 15.30 to 16.30
Sverre Ole Drønen, UiB

Main content

NORHED is Norway’s national flagship programme on higher education and research for development. In NORHED II, 290 million Norwegian kroner were awarded to 14 University of Bergen projects.

We want to celebrate this with a digital kick off meeting 23 September from 15.30 to 16.30.

All 14 UiB projects will be introduced during the event.

You can watch the kick off on YouTube here. 

There will also be a panel discussion about how the projects will benefit all partners, and how they connects to Agenda 2030 with Rector at UiB, Margareth Hagen, the General Director at Norad, Bård Vegar Solhjell, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe, Vice Chancellor, Makerere University and Professor Francis Mutua - University of Nairobi.


  • Welcome, by moderator Are Straume
  • Film: Introducing the projects
  • Speech by Bård Vegar Solhjell - Director General of Norad, Norwegian Agency for Development 
  • Film: Introducing the projects
  • Speech by professor Margareth Hagen - Rector of the University of Bergen
  • Film: Introducing the projects
  • Panel: NORHED II - Experiences and expectations
    Professor Margareth Hagen - Rector of the University of Bergen
    Bård Vegard Solhjell - Director General of Norad, Norwegian Agency for Development 
    Professor Barnabas Nawangwe - Vice Chancellor, Makerere University
    Professor Francis Mutua - University of Nairobi
    Moderator Are Straume, Head of the Division of Research and Innovation