Research in Medical Education
Research Group for Primary Care Medical Education's goal is to contribute to good research, theory development and knowledge implementation in medical education, in collaboration with national and international research environments. MedUt shall prioritize educational research with general medical relevance.
Main content
The research group
MedUt (Research Group for Medical Education) is anchored in the Section for general practice (Section for General Practice | University of Bergen ( and welcomes academics from other environments, including the Department for Global Public Health and Primary Care (Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care | University of Bergen ( and the Faculty of Medicine (Faculty of Medicine | University of Bergen ( MedUt aims to inspire critical thinking and produce high-quality research, theory development and knowledge implementation in medical education. MedUt collaborates with national and international research environments, including Maastricht University (The Netherlands), McGill University (Canada), University of Antwerp (Belgium), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and University of Oslo.
Why educational research - at a faculty of medicine?
The quality of health care hinges on medical practitioners’ knowledge, skills and wisdom. Clinicians’ capabilities, i.e. their demonstrated skills in caring for their patients, identifying relevant problems and applying medical knowledge judiciously, depends on the quality of their educational background, and how professional identities take shape through interactions with theoretical and practical learning environments.
High quality education is based not only on cutting-edge pedagogical knowledge and instructional methods, but also on adequate theoretical understanding of what is at stake in healthcare, what the ultimate goals of medicine are, and how medical education may shape individuals and societies. Medical education research is a rapidly expanding field of research and scholarly activity worldwide.
New digital technologies and the rapid advent of artificial intelligence pose new possibilities and threats for education. For a faculty of medicine, with its high degree of specialization and necessary focus on biomedical knowledge, it is essential to also have clinician researchers who dedicate themselves to medical education research and contribute to innovation and educational quality in all study programs, including faculty development initiatives.
MedUt projects
An overview of the many Medut projects is provided below.