Extreme weather, landslides and floods
Mathilde B. Sørensen
Isabelle Lecomte
Atle Nesje
Atle Rotevatn, professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Overvåking av fjellpartier, how landslides, geologi generelt
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 481 09 959, Atle.Rotevatn@geo.uib.no
Jostein Bakke, professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides, floods, endringer i isbreer, klimaendringer, Arktis
Contact: 55 58 35 03 / 992 73 343, Jostein.Bakke@geo.uib.no
Atle Nesje, professor department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides, floods og endringer i isbreer
Contact: 55 58 36 02 / 913 92 574, Atle.Nesje@geo.uib.no
Christian Haug Eide, Associate Professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides, floods
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 911 21 561, Christian.Eide@uib.no
Haakon Fossen, professor department of Earth Science
Theme: Landslides og rassikring, geology in general
Contact: 55 58 34 95 / 970 18 795, Haakon.Fossen@um.uib.no
Volcanoes and volcanic ash
Haflidi Haflidason, Professor at department of Earth Science, UiB og Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Vulkanske askelag, vulkanske systemer, klimahistorie
Contact: 930 32 395, Haflidi.Haflidason@geo.uib.no
Jostein Bakke, Professor at department of Earth Science, UiB og Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Vulkanske askelag, istider, breer, glasiologi, bresmelting, klimahistorie
Contact: 55 58 35 03 / 992 73 343, Jostein.Bakke@geo.uib.no
Christian Haug Eide, Associate Professor at department of Earth Science
Theme: Volcanoes, volcanic eruption
Contact: 55 58 33 90 / 911 21 561, Christian.Eide@uib.no
Jan Mangerud, professor emeritus at department of Earth Science, UiB og Bjerknessenteret.
Theme: Vulkanske askelag, istider, klimahistorie
Contact: 55 58 35 04 / 909 44 946, Jan.Mangerud@uni.no
Les Mangeruds kronikker om vulkaner m.m.
Seismic research in Bergen
Report Earthquakes 24 hour open phone: 55 58 26 17 or e-mail:seismo@uib.no
Did you feel the Earthquake? - Report EarthQuake (The form will appear when an earthquake is reported)
Jordskjelvstasjonen i Bergen - Skjelv.no
Kuvvet Atakan, Professor in sesmology, UiB
Contact: 958 77 982 / 55 58 20 78, Kuvvet.Atakan@uib.no
Mathilde B. Sørensen, Associate Professor in seismology, UiB.
Earthquake and tsunamies
Contact: 466 21 089 / 55 58 34 26, Mathilde.Sorensen@uib.no
Lars Ottemöller, Professor in seismology, UiB
Contact: 467 82 534 /55 58 26 16, Lars.Ottemoller@uib.no
Berit Marie Storheim, Chief Engineer, information about local and remote earthquakes
Contact person for school groups
Contact: 55 58 34 12, Berit.Storheim@uib.no