Department of Earth Science
Master's student at GEO

Master's student at GEO: an overview

This webpage is a resource page for Master's students at the Department of Earth Sciences, UiB. Here you will find important information regarding your master's agreement, guide lines for how to write your theses, how you master thesis is assessed, information regarding preparation for field work how to get refund for your expenses during field work.

Main content

Information to our Master's students

Master's agreement

when you have been admitted to our Master's programme and had your welcome meeting in your first semestter, you will fill in and sign the Master's agreement for your study. The agreement sets the boundaries for your study: tour duties and rights, supervising committee, course plan and deadline for submission. The master's agreement is set to be submitted during your first semester of study. Here you find the Master's agreement.

Expectations of our Master's students

As a Master's student, you have now transferred from being a student on lower degree, to be a part of a larger research project in academia. We have develeoped a list of expectations between student, the department and the supervisor(s). Here you can see what we expect from you as a student, and what you can expect from the University and your supervisors. The list of expectations you can find here.

Field work and refund of expences

Before you leave for field work, you must familiarize with UiB's guidelines for health, environment and safety (HSE) at field, cruises and group travels for both students and employees at the UiB. 

GEO's routines and safety rules you will find here.  

Routines for participants of field courses, field work and cruises at UiB

Have you been to field work as part of your master's project, or do you have other expences to be refunded from UiB, you must claim your expences coveren through UiB's BetalMeg-solution. Access to the Betalmeg-system is granted by the student administration. To get access, please send the information in the list under to your student counselor. 

  • private email address
  • cell phone no. with correct land code (eg. +47)
  • name
  • bank account number
  • birth- and social security number (fødsels og personnummer)
  • address
  • account at UiB where the refund should be paid from (information at your main supervisor). 
  • international citizen (non-Norwegian): copy of passport

You will recieve an email with information about access when this is ready. Valid login solutions are MinID, BankID and BankID on mobile.  

If you have a contract as e.g. a TA at UiB through DFØ, you can claim refunds directly in your app under "travel expences". You do not need to order BetalMeg access in that case. 

Further questions? Contact the student administration for more information. 

Guidelines for writing the Master's thesis

During your Master's studies in Earth Sicences you will write a master's thesis worth 60 ECTS, mainly during the last year of your studies. The thesis will be the documentation of the research you've carryed out during your study. The Master's thesis is often the first large autorship during the academic education. 

Here you find a short set of guidelines of how a master's thesis in Earth sciences can be written.

The Master's exam

You've successfully submitted your master's thesis in Earth Sciences - CONGRATULATIONS!

After your submission, your thesis will be sent to an evaluation committee; consisting of one internal (UiB) censor and one external censor. You will shortly, usually within one month, present your findings in an official presentation at the department. 

The presentation should last up to 30 minutes. The audience is allowed to ask questions at the end of the presentation, but the cecorship committee should wait with their questions until the oral discussion. 

Once your presentation is finished, you will participate in an oral discussion with your evaluation committee in your final, oral exam. The evaluation committee will retreat to discuss your final grade for your thesis. Once they've settled, you will orally get information on how your thesis was evaluated.

At GEO, it is normal that your main supervisor is present during your presentation and your oral exam. 

The exam can, if necessary, be organized fully digital via zoom, or partially digital, by having e.g. the external committee member participate digital via zoom. GEO has equipment (microphone and camera) to give hybrid presentations, this can be borrowed at the reception at GEO. 

Here you can see which criteria our Master's theses are evaluated on.

Other student recourses

The student welfare committee for students at GEO (Geovitenskapelig fagutvalg) - organizes Master's office seats, teaching and learning environment. Contact (email): fagutvalg@geo.uib.no, Facebook.

iEarth (with student representatives and a student welfare organizartion (the iEarth students): SFU iEarth (Centre for exellent teahing in Earth sciences): GeOracle, Teacher's and student's retreat, education development

The department board (with student representatives) - approves GEOs budgets and accounting and decides on GEOs strategic choices. 

The programme committee (with student representatives) - make the decisions on our study programs, application for leaves, extensions and course changes (amongst other thisngs).

Follow GEO UiB on Facebook and Instragram (@uibgeo)!

Rules and procedures at the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences. 

Student life at our faculty.