Department of Earth Science

News archive for Department of Earth Science

Researcher Nele Meckler wants to understand climate changes by studying fossil shells.
Fishery Minister, Per Sandberg, visited the Norwegian Ocean Laboratory today. Researchers from the Centre for Geobiology (CGB) were on hand to welcome him, and to share highlights from their deep sea research activity.
Much is unknown about Norway’s marine potential. Rolf Birger Pedersen, Professor at the Centre for Geobiology (CGB) says that much awaits to be discovered.
Juliane Wissuwa defended her PhD at the University of Bergen (UiB), 25.5.2016. It is entitled: "The Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Vent Fields - A valuable Resource for Marine Bioprospecting?”.
Yuangao Qu, a post-doc at the Centre for Geobiology (CGB), was a member of a team who discovered macroscopic fossils from the 1 560 Myr old Gaoyuzhuang Formation in the Yanshan area of North China. The results have been published in Nature Communications.
The UiB-led H2020 Blue Growth project, SponGES, kicks off 19-21 April 2016 in Bergen. CGB’s theme leader, Hans Tore Rapp, is the project coordinator. Another CGB researcher, Joana R. Xavier, is the scientific project manager.
Epos Kick-off meeting 4-5 February 2016
This year’s Nordic Geoscientist Award was given to Rolf Birger Pedersen, Professor at the Department of Earth Science (GEO) and Centre for Geobiology (CGB) at the University of Bergen (UiB).
Professor Hans Tore Rapp, a theme leader at the Centre for Geobiology (CGB), wil lead the interdisciplinary Horison 2020 (H202) project.
Representatives from the Centre for Geobiology (CGB) were part of the University of Bergen team participating in Transatlantic Science Week 2015 in Boston, Nov 4-6.
This year Norwegian Centres of Excellence (CoEs) have made many scientific breakthroughs. In 2015 CoE scientists have published eight articles in Nature since January, equaling the number of CoE Nature publications during 2014.
The 46’th Nordic Seismology Seminar was this fall arranged at Rønne, Bornholm. Partisipants from all the Nordic countries and also from UK, Czech Republic and Estonia attended.
The Centre for Geobiology (CGB) at the University of Bergen (UiB) is assuming an important leadership role in deep sea research, both in Norway and Internationally.
