Centre for Geobiology

Day 10

We have just taken our last samples – a background CTD three hours steaming from Loki’s Castle – and are heading home for Tromsø. We should arrive early Tuesday morning.


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Date: 10 August 2009
Weather conditions: overcast; slightly foggy
Temperature (air / water): 7.4/ 6.9 °C dew point = 6.8 °C
Wind speed: 6.5 m/s
Wave height:  relatively calm
Location:  73°N, 8°E

Daily report:

We did some exploring during the last ROV dive and confirmed that the area around Loki's Castle is geologically active. There seem to be a number of crisscrossing fault lines and fractures. There were also many signs of hydrothermal activity along the volcanic ridge.

We did our usual ROV sampling: more vent fluids for Marvin - inserting the probe into the mouth of a vent takes great dexterity on the part of the ROV pilots; more bacteria mat for Ida's microbiology team; and a piece of new chimney.

It has been a busy 10 days, but all the groups have ended up with good sample material to study during the coming year. We have been really lucky with weather - some wind last night, but we seem to be moving into calmer seas as we move towards land. And, as always, the crew aboard the G.O.Sars have been extremely helpful and are a significant factor in the success of the cruise.

The last activity was a rock dredge. It came up just before 3 o'clock and is full of pieces of pillow lava.

Now we are sailing towards Tromsø. We will be met about 30km out by a helicopter to take the final film footage of the G.O.Sars at sea for the Discovery team.


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