Centre for Geobiology

Day 16 - 10 July

We expect to reach Mohn’s Ridge and our research area around 18:00. Although the sea has been a little rough, the newcomers on board are managing really well.

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Position:  sailing from Tromsø to 73ºN, 8ºE
Temperature:   7ºC
Wind speed:  11-13m/s
Wave height: 2m
Visibility:  good
Weather:  partially cloudy

As the wave height is under 3m, the ROV can be launched. We plan to look for hydrothermal vents along the top edge of the 300m high volcano in the area we had been studying in the first part of the cruise. Unfortunately we did not find any signs of hydrothermal activity. The rest of the evening will be spent setting out CTDs over the rift valley.