Centre for Geobiology

Finding out more about life beneath the sea floor

The International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) aims to discover vital information about our Earth System.

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IODP is an international scientific research program that is supported by 24 countries, including Norway. CGB PhD student, Steffen Jorgensen, has been participating in Expedition 336 for 2 months. Jorgensen has been filing regular reports about his experiences at sea.

According to the Expedition website ...

"The top layer of the earth’s crust is full of cracks and fractures. Beneath the ocean, these networked cracks and fractures fill with water that flows through them as the ocean moves and changes. This type of watery network is called an aquifer, and the deep ocean crust contains the largest active aquifer on Earth. Living within this aquifer are all kinds of tiny lifeforms (microbes) that make their homes in this deep ocean landscape. But how many microbes are there? Are there different kinds? Where do they come from? How do they live, eat and move within this deepsea network? These are the questions that scientists onboard IODP Expedition 336: Mid-Atlantic Microbiology hope to answer. By installing three subseafloor observatories (“CORKs”) into the ocean crust, IODP scientists hope to gain new information that will help them understand what life is like below the ocean floor."

Check out the website to learn more.