Faculty of Humanities
PhD education

Content and structure of the PhD programme

The content and structure of the PhD education at the Faculty of Humanities is determined by the faculty's PhD programme.

Bibliotek for humaniora
Emil W. Breistein

Main content

The PhD education has a standardised time frame of three years and includes an independent scientific work. This scientific work will be documented through a thesis, and the thesis will again be defended publicly in the public defense. In addition, the organised PhD education comprises a training component corresponding to 30 credits. All candidates should also be associated with a research group and/or a research school.

The program regulates matters regarding admission, structure and content, completion and quality assurance. Together with the Regulations for the degree philoisophia doctor (PhD) at the University of Bergen, the programme set the framework for the content and implementation of the PhD training at the Faculty of Humanities.

The PhD programme at the Faculty of Humanities: