PHDOF903 - Literature review and publishing for PhD candidates
Access to the course unit: The course is open to PhD candidates at the Faculty of Humanities and is best suited for candidates at an early stage of their PhD. Candidates lacking 5 compulsory ECTS points in generic skills will be given priority if the number of applicants surpasses the capacity. Maximum 18 participants.
Teaching semester: fall 2024
Credit: 5 ECTS points
Language of instruction: English
Course co-ordinator: Faculty of Humanities
Course leader: Michael Grote
Deadline for registration: August 15, 2024
Objectives and content: The starting point of this course is the «overview of research in the field», the literature review. Through this course the PhD candidate will write a draft of this literature review for her/his dissertation. The goal of the course is that each candidate, early on in the research process, gains a confident overview of existing research fields, of crucial literature and of different information resources. The course will offer a review of basic reference management functionality and show how this can be used as efficiently as possible in the work. The candidates are required to use a reference management system in the written assignment for this course. Furthermore, the course aims to enable the candidate to keep an active dialogue with relevant literature throughout the research process and to introduce him/her to problems of communication of research results such as publishing procedures and channels, research networks, copyright issues and evaluation of research.
Learning outcomes: On completion of the course the student has expertise in searching literature for aims of research, in relating his/her own work to actual fields of research and in communicating own results by publishing in different channels. In detail, the student
- is acquainted with standard tools and methods of literature search
- is able to develop a search strategy for his project and is familiar with the use of the most important specialist databases for his/her subject
- has a confident overview of existing fields of research related to his/her own project and of different information resources and research networks
- knows how to cite, how to evaluate sources and how to relate to research discourse in an ethically proper way
- is able to write a literature review for his/her own research project and to keep an active dialogue with relevant literature through the research process
- is able to use a reference management system when referencing in a text and to generate literature lists in different referencing styles
- is acquainted with different formal and informal channels of publication on his field of research, and with different procedures of peer review, criteria for ranking and other forms of research evaluation
- is able to identify publishers for his/her articles or monographs, and online venues for networking
- is aware of copyright issues and has gained basic knowledge about different sources of research funding
Required Previous Knowledge: Basic knowledge of a reference management tool
Teaching methods and extent of organized Teaching: The course consists of introductory lectures, seminar discussions, tutorials and exercises. Joint sessions: 4 days of full-time seminar (3+1 days with approx. 5 weeks in-between). The organized teaching in the course has an extent of approximately 20 hours.
- September 10 (9.00-15.00): Introduction to the library; literature search and reviewing literature. On the first day of the course every student present aims and challenges concerning the literature review of his/her PhD project
- September 11 (9.00-15.00): Literature search and reference management
- September 12 (9.00-15.00): Research workflow and reference management Writing process, types of reviews, the dissertation genre
2 weeks of workshop: Individual work on literature review, peer-to-peer reviewing on Mitt UiB, individual tutorials with the academic librarians at the University of Bergen Library.
- October 16 (9.00-15.00): Publishing, research integrity, and open science
Compulsory assignements and attendance: Attendance at the seminar is mandatory.
In preparation of the course, every student should find and read a dissertation, identify strengths and weaknesses regarding literature review and structure of thesis. Furthermore, every student should prepare a brief presentation of her/his PhD-project. The presentation should be concise (about 2-3 minutes) and give an account of the thesis topic and of the aims and challenges concerning the literature review of the project
Forms of assessment: A written assignment of 2000 words must be submitted approximately 4 weeks after the course is finished. The assignment should consist of a literature review that can be used as a stand-alone part (chapter or article) of the individual dissertation. In addition, a separate reflection of the writing process (literature search, reference management, reviewing) must be included. The assignment must be written in English, German or a Scandinavian Language. At least 500 pages of research literature from at least 10 different sources must be reviewed. A reference management system must be used in the assignment.
Place of instruction: Bergen University Library
Open sign up form here
Course program 2024