Field work, and physically demanding work
What to consider if your work involves heavy manual labour or work in awkward positions, and ergonomics at field work.
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Heavy manual labour
Advice while doing heavy labour:
- Position yourself close to the item your working on/ with.
- Interchange between using right and left hand.
- Try to have a symmetrical strain on your body while doing heavy labour.
- Rotate between doing heavy and less heavy tasks regulary. Take frequent breaks.
- Plan the execution of tasks so it's less strenuous on the body. (I.e. combine heavy tasks with less heavy tasks and make sure to have necessary aides available.)
- Bend your legs instedad of your back while lifting/ putting down heavy objects.
- Avoid twisting your back during heavy lifting - take a few more steps if necessary.
- If necessary, work in pairs (or more) while carrying.
- Assisst if someone asks for a helping hand.
- Pushing, pulling and rolling (equipment with wheels) is (generally speaking) easier than carrying.
- Pushing, pulling and rolling is easier on an even surface. Even out the ground if needed. This can i.e. be done by adding planks as a "quick fix" on very uneven surfaces.
- Gloves (for better gripping).
- Moving straps
- Stair climbing dolly
- Wheelbarrow
- Hand truck
- Trolley
- Pulley
- Winch
- Wheel dolly
- Transport tray
- Suspension
Read more at Arbeidstilsynet's web pages (note: only the Norwegian pages have information on ergonomics):
Work in awkward positions
Advice while working in awkward positions:
- Time spent working either squatting, on knees or above shoulder height shouldn't exceed more than half an hour at a time, before switching to a less strenious task or taking a break.
- Time spent in awkward positions shouldn't exceed more than four hours a day.
- When it's not possible to facilitate working conditions to avoid awkward positions, it's important to concider variation, work rotation and taking breaks.
- Concider whether it's possible to switch side according to what you're working on/ with, to get variation on how the body is bing used. I.e. interchange between using right and left hand, or make sure your neck is being equally rotated towards left and right by sometimes swithcing position.
- Knee padding
- Elbow padding
- Seat padding
- Stool
- Step stool
- Ladder
- Suspension of heavy equipment
Read more at Arbeidstilsynet's web pages (note: only the Norwegian pages have information on ergonomics):
Ergonomics during field work and research cruises
Prevention of musculoskeletal strain during field trips and research cruises. The working conditions may vary during field work and while sailing. Sometimes the work will consist of heavy manual labour or time spent working in awkward positions.
Advice while doing heavy labour:
- Position yourself close to the item your working on/ with.
- Interchange between using right and left hand.
- Try to have a symmetrical strain on your body while doing heavy labour.
- Rotate between doing heavy and less heavy tasks regulary. Take frequent breaks.
- Plan the execution of tasks so it's less strenuous on the body. (I.e. combine heavy tasks with less heavy tasks and make sure to have necessary aides available.)
- Bend your legs instedad of your back while lifting/ putting down heavy objects.
- Avoid twisting your back during heavy lifting - take a few more steps if necessary.
- If necessary, work in pairs (or more) while carrying.
- Assisst if someone asks for a helping hand.
- Pushing, pulling and rolling (equipment with wheels) is (generally speaking) easier than carrying.
- Pushing, pulling and rolling is easier on an even surface. Even out the ground if needed. This can e.g. be done easily by adding planks as a "quick fix" on very uneven surfaces.
- Gloves (for better gripping).
- Moving straps
- Stair climbing dolly
- Wheelbarrow
- Hand truck
- Trolley
- Pulley
- Winch
- Wheel dolly
- Transport tray
- Suspension
Read more at Arbeidstilsynet's web pages (note: only the Norwegian pages have information on ergonomics):
Advice while working in awkward positions:
- Time spent working either squatting, on knees or above shoulder height shouldn't exceed more than half an hour at a time, before switching to a less strenious task or taking a break.
- Time spent in awkward positions shouldn't exceed more than four hours a day.
- When it's not possible to facilitate working conditions to avoid awkward positions, it's important to concider variation, work rotation and taking breaks.
- Concider whether it's possible to switch side according to what you're working on/ with, to get variation on how the body is bing used. I.e. interchange between using right and left hand, or make sure your neck is being equally rotated towards left and right by sometimes swithcing position.
- Knee padding
- Elbow padding
- Seat padding
- Stool
- Step stool
- Ladder
- Suspension of heavy equipment
Read more at Arbeidstilsynet's web pages (note: only the Norwegian pages have information on ergonomics):
Temperature, climate and workwear
High and low temperatures both affect our ability function. In cold environments our grip may lessen. Fine motor and sensory skills deteriorate if we get too cold. During warm conditions we fatigue more easily, which again reduces efficiency and the risk of failures.
Suitable workwear is important. According to the conditions, the attire has to be water, and/ or wind protective, as well as be suitable to both temperature and culture (if applicable). In case of a slippery, uneven or rocking surface or ground, it’s important to wear soles with a suitable grip. Consider shoes that provide ankle support. Gloves can provide a better grip and protect against high or low temperatures.
Sun protection on the head, body and eyes is important. Concider if it's possible to set up sheltering against sun, wind or water on site in addition to the individual measures taken.
Bring a mosquito net if applicable.
Whole-body vibration
During transportation the body is exposed to whole-body vibrations. A common acutely felt effect of this is motion sickness. In a longer timeframe, whole-body vibrations may increase the risk of degenerative conditions in the spine as well as back pain. Smaller the vessel and higher the speed, the higher impact the spine absorbs, especially combined with waves at sea. Possible measures is i.e. to reduce speeding and add damping padding.
Risk assessment before departure
Before departure a risk assessment is required, including risk assessment of ergonomic factors.
Vibrations in the context of ergonomics, means that the body is being exposed to shaking or oscillations. We differ between whole-body vibrations and hand-arm vibrations. There’s an exposure-response relationship between exposure time and the health effects from it.
Whole-body vibrations
During transportation the body is exposed to whole-body vibrations. A common acutely felt effect of this is motion sickness. In a longer timeframe, whole-body vibrations may increase the risk of degenerative conditions in the spine as well as back pain. In small vehicles driving with high speed, the higher impact the spine absorbs, especially combined with bumps in the road while driving.
Preventive measures against whole-body vibrations
- Increase seat damping
- Suitable ergonomc seat design
- Leveling of the ground
- Right tires
- Speed reduction
- Proper maintanance of machines/ equipment
- Reduce exposure time (though not in the sense that one is to hurry to finish the task)
- Task rotation and/ or rotate which equipment that is being used
- Proper use of equipment or vehicle
- Proper training
Hand-arm vibration
Hand-arm vibration happens when vibrations are being transferred to the worker when holding vibrating tools or machines. Over time, exposure can lead to hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). HAVS affects circulation, nerves, musculature and joints in fingers and hand.
A tell-tale sign of HAVS is numb and white fingers (Raunaud’s phenomena). When HAVS is delevoped, the symptoms will be more prominent in cold temperatures. HAVS is not reversible nor treatable, prevention is therefore key.
Some vibrating tools can increase the risk of negative health effects after as little as 30 minutes. For workers that's exposed to hand-arm vibration, it's important to have knowledge about exposure limits and preventive measures.
Preventive measures against hand-arm vibration
- Get familiar with recommended maximum values for the specific tool/ machine
- Don't surpass the maximum recomended time limit for usage
- Maintanance of tools/ machines
- Replace old/ outdated machines
- Task rotation or rotation of equipment
- Remote controlling of machines/ tools
- Reduce gripping force (can be done e.g. by suspesion of heavy equipment)
- Gloves for warmth
- Concider anti-vibration gloves. Note that anti-vibrational gloves also may increase vibrational exposure by amplifying the vibrations.
- Nicotine reduction (both nicotine and vibration restricts blood flow to the extremities)
Please note that risk reducing measures doesn't increase maximum recommended exposure time.
Vibration calculator
The vibration calculator (NO only) calculates the vibration level and shows which zone you end up in. Vibration level (m/s^2) can be found in the tool's technical data sheet.
Questions about ergonomics?
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