The HSE-gateway

Are you concerned about yourself?

What are your own habits when it comes to drugs and gambling? On this page, you can test yourself regarding both gaming habits and drinking habits.

Main content

Most of us play games from time to time, whether it's gambling, video games, or both. Some play a little, others play a lot. For most people, games are a source of entertainment and joy, while for some, gaming has problematic aspects. If you are woried about your gambling, contact Help-line: Hjelpelinjen, phone: 800 800 40, www.Hjelpelinjen.no

When do you actually drink too much? Is it when you start the day with beer or wine? When you hide bottles in your closet? When you no longer remember the last time you were sober? Or much earlier? Here you can check your drinking habits. 

Who can I contact if I'm concerned? 

You can contact your closest leader and tell them how you're feeling. Your leader can offer you help in collaboration with the vocational health service, which has a free and independent position and is bound by confidentiality. At the company healthcare service, you will receive advice on what might be best for you and your situation. You can also contact someone on the Akan Committee. 

Head of the Akan Committee: Ørjan Leren

Occupational Health Service: Gunvor Røssland Landro, Occupational Health Nurse 

You can also contact the Akan Committee through: 

  • Lise Engelbreth, HR-avdelingen
  • Parat, Mona Viksøy
  • Akademikerne, Kristian Carlos Botnen 
  • NTL, Unni Lange Buanes 
  • Forskerforbundet, Helge Holgersen 
  • UHVO, June-Vibecke Knudtsen Indrevik