HSE Action Plan 2016-2018
Health, safety and environment - a good working environment for all.
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HSE Action Plan
- a fully satisfactory working and learning environment
- diversity, transparency and inclusion
- continuous and systematic HSE work through the active participation of staff and leaders
- functional and secure buildings and outdoor areas, equipment and research vessels.
HSE – a shared responsibility
A working environment is created through day-to-day interaction and dialogue. All staff and students have a responsibility to actively participate in this. A mutual understanding of and respect for the various roles and functions, predictability, clear resource allocationand clarity in the organisation of the work are prerequisites for sustaining and developing a good working and learning environment. Employees and students must have the necessary training and sufficient expertise to manage HSE challenges within their own work and study situation. HSE is a leader responsibility at all levels and is an integral part of all leadership. Safety delegates fulfil a supervisory function and are collaborators for the leaders. UiB has a network of safety delegates and provides mandatory HSE training for both safety delegates and leaders. UiB’s leaders must have the requisite skillset, confidence and willingness to prioritise HSE work. UiB’s safety delegates must be well qualified and provided with the necessary conditions to fulfil their role. In order to strengthen the HSE training for employees, leaders, safety delegates and students, UiB will use digital platforms. The university’s leaders, safety delegates, staff and students must, together, actively contribute to the development of the working environment at UiB.Systematic HSE work
UiB shall have a culture in which health, safety and the environment and emergency preparedness are preventative and health promoting. UiB’s HSE Action Plan forms an integral part of the university’s management system. HSE work shall be a continuous, systematic process at UiB. This means that HSE must be clearly organised at all levels and the working environment must be surveyed, risk assessed and monitored in line with regulatory requirements and UiB’s internal rules. Systematic HSE work promotes health and satisfaction, and prevents accidents and harm occurring to staff, students, the environment and property. An attractive working environment enhances reputation, increases recruitment and enable staff to create an organisation characterised by job-satisfaction, good health and high performance levels. Such a working environment strengths UiB as an internationally recognised research university with highly competent staff and students who, together, contribute to excellent research, teaching, dissemination of knowledge and innovationHSE goals
The action plan is based on UiB’s Strategy and encompasses four HSE goals.
UiB shall be characterised by:
- A good working community
- Good risk management and emergency preparedness
- Safe and functional workplaces
- Responsibility for the green environment
Each HSE goal is to be identified through the means for the period 2016–2018 and realised through measures:
- centrally under the auspices of the units with specific responsibilities and tasks
- locally through HSE action plans in faculties/departments and institutions/centres
- in various forms of interaction between units and levels
A good working community
UiB’s most important resource is the people who work and study at the university. UiB must have a strong and vibrant university democracy, in which strategy and decisionmaking processes are transparent and based on communication and contributions from both employees and students. Our working community will be characterised by generosity, openness, diversity and dialogue and the integrity and dignity of the individual will be safeguarded. UiB is an international place of work and study in a sector experiencing constant change and development. This requires good expertise concerning circumstances that affect our working and learning environments among all employees, students and managers.
Means for the period 2016–2018:
- Annual mapping of the psychosocial working environment to promote shared understanding and cooperation, and as the basis for implementing measures.
- Annual employee appraisals/development interviews for all employees.
- Health, safety and the environment must be on the agenda in all meetings of all governing bodies.
- Strengths the expertise of leaders and employees when it comes to leading and participating in interdisciplinary, diverse and multicultural working environments.
- Revise guidelines for conflict management and drawing up and implement guidelines for the prevention and management of bullying and harassment.
- Ensuring that the various life phases of staff are addressed in UiB’s personnel policy.
The following governing documents and measures also support this HSE goal:
- Activity and Result Objectives for a More Inclusive Working Life
- Action Plan for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Plan of Action for Internationalization
- UiB Restructuring Agreement
- UiB Policy on Intoxication Substances
Good risk management and emergency preparedness
UiB’s work on safety and emergency preparedness must be founded on preventative and systematic HSE work, good knowledge of risk conditions and good procedures when working on and off campus. This will contribute to reducing the consequences
of adverse events to safeguard people, the environment and material assets in everyday work and in an extraordinary situation.
Means for the period 2016–2018:
- Information and regular emergency preparedness drills for leaders, employees and students at all levels throughout the organisation.
- Training and implementation of digital crisis support tools for use in emergency preparedness work.
- Training and implementation of a system for HSE risk management, including digital risk assessments.
- Implementation of a digital system for HSE non-conformities in the entire organisation.
The following governing documents and measures also support this HSE goal:
- UiB Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Management system for IT security
Safe and functional workplaces
UiB has a large, demanding portfolio of buildings, the uses of which change regularly. The relevant requirements concerning good building standards, universal design, indoor climate and ergonomic requirements must be satisfied. Scientific equipment, research and teaching facilities must be safe and functional. New teaching and working methods, as well as digital work tools, require new ways in which to organise our workplaces.
Means for the period 2016–2018:
- Ensure that the buildings that UiB dispose have proper, satisfactory working and learning environments that comply with applicable regulations.
- Further develop digital tools and work processes for safe and functional workplaces.
- Systematically develop universally designed workplaces and buildings.
- Coordinate HSE work with our partners to ensure a safe working environment in areas where both are located and/or carry out activities.
The following governing documents and measures also support this HSE goal:
- DigUiB programme
- Action Plan for Strengthening the Learning Environment
Responsibility for the green environment
UiB has committed itself to take the environment into consideration in all of its activities, reducing the negative environmental impact of its own operations and contribute to a sustainable society. UiB is Eco-Lighthouse certified.
Means for the period 2016–2018:
- Information and training for employees and students to reduce the UiB’s greenhouse gas emissions and consumption of resources.
- Facilitate for employees and students to be able to easily make environmentally friendly choices.
- Clarify green environmental work as part of the system for HSE risk management.
The following governing documents and measures also support this HSE goal:
- Action Plan for the Green Environment
Questions can be directed to Senior Adviser Runa Jakhelln.