HyValue Webinar
In this webinar, you will get a broad overview of the hydrogen activities at the HyValue partner University of Bergen. The webinar took place on 7. June 2023: 15:00 - 16:15 CET.

Main content
Norwegian Centre for Hydrogen Research (HyValue) is a NORCE-led Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME), comprising 7 national research partners as well as a number of international research- and industry partners.
This webinar is part of the HyValue webinar series “Meet the HyValue R&D partners" and covers the different hydrogen activities at UiB. The research activities include underground hydrogen storage, ammonia research, law, societal perception of hydrogen, and modelling on hydrogen explosions. The Webinar will be recorded for possible later use by UiB/HyValue.
You can watch the webinar here:
HyValue webinar series “Meet the HyValue R&D partners" - YouTube
The program:
Opening remarks
– Jonas Solbakken, NORCE, Centre coordinator
Hydrogen and ammonia research and education at UiB
– Kristine Spildo, Professor, UiB
Perception of hydrogen in society
– Efthymia Derempouka, PhD-candidate, UiB
Improved modelling of hydrogen explosions
– Melodia Lucas, PhD-candidate, UiB
Sustainable Energy and Chemical Manufacturing: Research at Department of Chemistry
– Vidar Remi Jensen, Professor, UiB
Where is the law in HyValue
– Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui, Associate Professor, UiB
Underground storage of hydrogen – What is the HyPE about?
– Martin Fernø, Professor, UiB
Closing remarks
– Jonas Solbakken, NORCE, Centre coordinator