Welcome to us!
- I think it's really nice to study informatics in Bergen. We have a very good study environment. There is always a possibility to get help from both lecturers and fellow students, no matter what it should be! It's a good environment for learning here, and everyone helps everyone learn new things.

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This says Alise Haukenes. Like her fellow student Knut Anders Stokke, she has now completed two years of her bachelor's degree.
Alise and Knut Anders have both had Fredrik Manne as lecturer, and given that he was recently appointed outstanding lecturer, we are a little curious about how the students look at it :-) - I think Manne has gained outstanding status as a teacher because of his involvement, says Knut Anders. Some lecturers just read directly from the PowerPoint or their notes. Fredrik, however, is keen, has a glow in the eyes while he is speaking, clearly showing his own interest in what he is talking about. He has a good structure, he always explains what we are going through today (there are some lecturers who unfortunately only start talking without first saying what to talk about.). Engagement and good structure I think is the most important other lecturers can learn from him.
-Yes, nods Alise, - Manne is very good at taking time to explain what he is going to teach very carefully and in a simple way so that it becomes very easy to understand for everyone. It was very easy to follow his lectures, both because it was fun to listen to him and because he was good at telling what he should talk about in advance.
Both Alise and Knut Anders enjoy their study at UiB. Maybe they have some tips for new students?
- Get to know your fellow students, and use the reading halls a lot, says Alise. – You can get a lot of help there and get to know nice people! It might also be useful to try programming a little in advance, so you know a little more what you are going to do, even if the teaching is done so you do not have to be able to program in advance.
- Get in touch, says Knut Anders, - either with any of the students who go here (like me) or student counselor. Beyond that I would have tried through some programming lessons on, for example. YouTube so you can get an insight into what programming is and if you think it's nice.
Good advice to take along from two of our students! Welcome to a new semester!