Amazing results from our students in NCPC
Last weekend, NCPC, the Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest, was held, and students from informatics did well! In the student class (ICPC eligible) UiB became the best Norwegian university with 5 of the top 6 places.

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Not only did we get 5 out of the 6 top spots, but our student teams won both 1st and 3rd place, while a team from NTNU got 2nd place. By comparison, our best team last year was in fourth place and we had 3 out of the 6 top places.
There is no doubt that good preparation and vigorous training is behind such a brilliant team effort. Our PhD, Torstein Strømme, who has been coach for the teams, also believes that another factor lies behind the success: "Yes, the success of our best team is probably due to the fact that this year we have an exchange student with a very strong background in competition programming, but it's extra gratifying to see that our other teams are doing better. For example, Kattistrofe came in a strong third place this year, a team that originated in the team we sent to NWERC as bachelor students last year. Otherwise, ViM ++ (5th place) consists of 2nd year students, which promises good for the future. This year, 9 teams participated, while 8 participated last year."
The Department of Informatics institute congratulates our very talented students, Torstein Strømme and everyone else who has been involved with the great results, and wishing best of luck to the teams participating further in the NWERC (Northwestern Europe Regional Contest) in England in November.
NCPC results for 2017 are found here.
NCPC results for 2016 are found here.