Election of members to the department council at The Department of Informatics
In 2025, we are electing new representatives for the department council. Group A (permanent faculty), group B (temporary scientific positions), group C (administrative and technical staff) and group D (students) are encouraged to submit nominees now.

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You may vote for a candidate in your group 21st May - 23rd May 2025. Members representing all groups (permanent faculty, temporary scientific positions, administrative and technical staff and students) to the Department council are to be elected this year.
If you want to run for the department council, or you know someone who would make a good candidate, we would like to hear from you.
Deadline for the nomination of candidates is 19. March 2025, at 12:00 PM
- The nomination has to be submitted in writing - please use the attached nomination form
- The nomination must be signed by at least the same number of persons as the number of proposed candidates.
- The nominating persons must themselves qualify to vote, see below
- Each person can sign only one nomination
- The nominated candidates must fullfil the voting requirements, see below
- If candidates are proposed who can formally ask for an exemption, the nomination must be accompanied by the candidate's written consent
Nomnations can be sent to the Department's electional contact - Evita Uglum, evita.uglum@uib.no
Gr. A - we need 4 members and 3 substitute members
Gr. B - we need 1 member and 2 substitute members
Gr. C - we need 2 members and 2 substitute members
Gr. D - we need 2 members and 2 substitute members
The candidates in group B and D will be elected for the term 01.08.2025 – 31.07.2026.
The candidates in group A and C will be elected for the term 01.08.2025 – 31.07.2029.
You can vote if you fulfill the following requirements:
Temporary academic staff employed in a minimum 50 % position for the coming 12 months or staff that have been consecutively employed for at least 12 months.
Students who are registered as a student and have paid their semester fees for the semester the election takes place, are entitled to vote.
Please check if you are eligible to vote:
If you cannot find your name in the electoral register, please let ut know. Send an e-mail to: valgstyret@uib.no